Ask @Jia99

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why too many idol :p ! btw You can have Yoseob but you can't have luhan XD !

hmm pulak da, dalam tu jia minat luhan :p infinite L 2pm junho ukiss kevin the boss karam and more more :p

macam perangai afiq kat sekolah

macam mana yang awak maksud kan ke? ok je kekadang suka kacau orang and selalu buat aku marah :3

How dare you say i'm stranger :p ! I'm the nearest person you ever know XD. hahahah btw are you one of a louis fans ?

yes i am! hahahaha :p

Hmmm why many people want Oppa Yoseob :'( you is my new friendly rival ! hahahah

who are you stranger, hahaha :p

I also don't know what is the dream catcher is ! hahahah you can have beast but Oppa yoseob is mine XD hahaha

yah! can't yoseob oppa mine!!!

Boleh x jangan nak batak speaking sgt ..

batak speaking?! cakap macam biasa je, macam orang lain jugak kekadang speaking keadang tak

You can take it :( ! Exo ? boleh laa but paling suka lagu wolf and growl. Do you know anything about dream catcher ?

dream catcher? ape tu hahahah yeahhh beast mine :p

yer ker nih :p ? Start from standard 6 but it seems that you start first laa ! hmmm but Yoseob is mine XD . hahahah

can't la yoseob mine :'( minat exo?

Beast is the reason why i like Kpop until now ! you the one who stole it from me. soo go away XD ! hahaha just joking but don't worry because bigbang has take my heart :p

jia fisrt kenal beast la then kenal yang lain, hmm dari darjah berapa minat beast?

Yang yoseob maybe ?hahaha why you need to know who i am ? btw minat beast ker or yoseob jer ?

minat semua dalam beast they are awesome ;D jangan amik beast :p

hehe but i not crazy to kpop just addicted only XD! sajer tanya because i'm bored right now. sorry disturbing

eh eh, idc malahan suka orang ask nie, heheh ask la lagi xD


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