

Latest answers from Jigsaw

If you won the jackpot on the lottery let's say it's a lot of money would you carry on working?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I would carry on working for the clients that I currently have because I consider them friends and they rely on me. I just wouldn't seek out new work and eventually the old work would fade away.

Life is unfair! Do you agree?

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
Why would it be? The world doesn't owe you anything and you are in charge of your own destiny.

Good morning everyone 😌 how are you? What’s the plans for today?

GeorginaKeemcook’s Profile PhotoGeorgina
Today I finished building a section of garden fence and started to paint it. I also repaired a broken lock on a window and planned a day out in London for Thursday. That will include a design exhibition at Japan House, a photographic exhibition at the Royal Geographical Society, a lunchtime classical concert, a picnic in Hyde Park, two art galleries (Serpentine North and South) and a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre. I might also be able to squeeze in the National Gallery, depending on how interesting the other two galleries are. Other than the play (£5), everything else is free. If the weather is fine then I plan to hire a Boris bike to get around.

Language: English