

Ask @jukerz

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what is love for you/ does it exist nowadays !!?

Love is invaluable. If you do find someone who does really love you ( nowadays), you should never let him go ! Love still exists, but it is rare!
Liked by: hiba

recommend a book and write a short note about it

I will go for Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Besides the fact that I am fond of the writer , The book is a masterpiece. A mingle of existentialism, absurdism, hatred, love and so on
You will like it !!

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If a chance of getting married presents to you in this current time , will you accept to start a whole new chapter of your life by getting married ?

I would , but only if I love the guy :D

If you could change something in your self , what would be ? and why ? lol

I would change nothing: I love myself as I am :)

What’s on your mind?

Lots of things but the first one is ; I feel like I turned into a lazy girl . Last summer I read 150 books , but this summer i couldn't read more than one ! What is happening to me I don't know ! Maybe i Should change my startegy !!!!! My philosophy of life too .


Language: English