

Ask @jukerz

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we are not forced to explain our love . we only must try to show it ! what do you think am i right ?

Don't explain it and don't show it !Just stay still :p :p I got u

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Do you care what other people think of you?

Noooooooooooo :p :p 'Im not self-conscious !! (It"s okey Keep talking enemies You are making me famous )

have you ever turned a blind eye to someone who cares about you ?

Frankly I've never done it !! I can't !!

Which animal would you love to be for a day?

I've already answered This question ,At any rate i would love to be a Bird :)

What is your idea of the perfect honeymoon destination?

You must wait Till I get married then i may inform you ;)

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

That Im going Grey :$$

What are some small things that make you happy?

Being with My family, Knowing that My friends are happy..... :p

What is "LOVE" ... ?

A penetrating Question!,Due to My humble Experience I Can Say that LOve Is a Magical Word,Love is One of Various Emotions (Such as excited, happy, sad, surprised, annoyed, etc,) It is a complicated emotion Yet Love Is Knowing about Your beloved More than you do about yourself.Being eager to be with him than with many others.Love is trusting The person u love with your secrets Including things you might feel ashamed of.Love is Feeling comfrortable and safe with your beloved! Love is being unable to sleep because your Mind is busy Thinking about him.....Love isn't self-seeking ......(:I need More than 10 hours to explain what love means 4 me )
Liked by: Rachid Taryaoui


Language: English