

Ask @just_another_guy55570972

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🥰 How could I ask you to answer more?)

borodulkolada9832’s Profile Photoborodulko.lada
a good phrase is use is to add "and why" to the end of your question.
what's your favorite sport and why?
another is to use open ended questions.
what do you think about *****
tell me about ******
or you can straight up as them
can you explain more on that
can you elaborate

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(sent on 8/15/21) do you consider yourself more left-leaning, right-leaning, or central in terms of your political/social beliefs?

poetalunam’s Profile Photoleigh; ✨️
I don't know. I oscillate as the years go by and new circumstances and information becomes available to my awareness.

How did you come up with your username?

I didn't care too much what my username was and chose just another guy because it's accurate and vague at the same time

okay, here goes, this is a serious question, but can adult people be in a boyfriend + girlfriend relationship that doesn't involve sex?

I would think so. Is there physical touch in the relationship?

You ever record yourself? Do you like it?

ChanaskX’s Profile PhotoChãndí
I feel awkward in front of a camera and get real self conscious. I'm trying to overcome that fear though. in enough time I'll be a professor speaking at a college or university and I want to be photogenic.

What is the most attractive eye color?

green, however I don't put too much emphasis in a person's eye color.

Good morning I’m just laying down on a white kitchen trash bags today Is so much fun

I like your conference


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