
Nicholas Kelvin H.

Ask @kelvfinnick_

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Do you collect anything? If so, what is it?

"Collecting the jar of hearts and tearing love apaaarrrrrtttttt~~~~" #malahnyanyi #malahgalau

Which is your song of the week?

"Yel-yel MOPDB RP 2014," kata anak-anak yang baru MOPDB dan kakak-kakaknya yang nge-MOPDB kemaren.

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Awww kepo instagram ga bilang bilang loooo... Follow keles ig guee, btw folback ya vin! Ayo kita gosip lagihhh

iya dongg.. kalo kepo bilang bilang mah namanya bukan kepooooo... followed yaaa, mau gosip ape emangnya??/ kapan neh kite ketemuan??? *siap rumpi*

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

meheheheheheh banyak, tapi yang kepikiran ini:

tiba-tiba jadi fans Götzeus, terlalu tersentuh dengan bromance mereka.

What are your major goals in life?

Things I should done in next 5 years (22 years old).
1. Graduated from high school with minimal score 88 (GPA 3.5).
2. Nutrition faculty student in IPB / CSU Chico / UC Davis.
3. Graduated from university in 3,5/4 years with GPA score min. 3.75.
Things I wish I could done in next 20 years (37 years old).
1. Debut international film in 22 yo.
2. First Oscar in 23 yo.
3. First Grammy in 25 yo.
4. A wife in 28 yo.
5. A twin children in 30 yo.
6. 4 Oscars in 30 yo.
7. 2 music albums in 30 yo.
8. 10 Grammys in 30 yo.
9. 5 Golden Globes in 30 yo.
10. 2 films directed by myself in 35 yo.

*) Succeed for all of this stuffs in 37 yo.
Liked by: Vicky Theodora

Kelvin!!! Describe me!!

Raisa Raha Kasturi, kenal dari volunteering yba, dia baru nongol dari tengah-tengah pendaftaran... orangnya cangak giles, ketawanya cetar membahenol, sering banget gue isengin kalo pas dia volunteering, pas pendaftaran suka panik kalo hri sabtu gara-gara mesti les musik jem 5-an di elos padahal dia lagi di jalan merak padahal pendaftaran tutup jem 5, akhirnya ditebengin naik motor sama anak-anak volunteer.... diam-diam dia ratu psikopat. katanya sih anak tari daerah, taunya dari mitha, kenal ama jojo hardi gara-gara satu les. sempet kepoin insta-nya, calon designer... :P pokoknya, semakin cangak, langgeng sama pacarnya :P

PS. hati-hati sama nih anak, psikopat tingkat paripurna.

Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?

The moment I say: "Thank You, God for my life. Now, I'm done, and I used everything You gave to me."

If you were to win $10 million, what would you do with all that money?

Waduh, gatau... But, I just remember this quote.

"If I have lots of money, I'll bring Mario Gotze back to (Borussia) Dortmund." - Marco Reus.
*true bromance*
#gotzeus #InGotzeusWeTrust

How are you feeling right now?

too much hilarious because searching anything about Goetze-Reus' bromance. MAIGAT! PUH-LEASE.

Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

Di sofa villa! Jadi ceritanya malem terakhir nginep di villa bareng sincerity, abis acara sharing, jem 12-an kurang, temen-temem beberapa pada nonton x-men, gue ikutan. Gue nonton di depan tv, abis itu mundur ke bagian bawah sofa, nyender...
makin lama, makin ngantuk, ambil selimut sama guling dari kamar villa, terus naik ke sofa, nyender selimutan. eh refleks naroh kacamata di meja terus tidur...
bangun bangun, udah jem 6, masih di sofa. terus temen gue bilang, "vin, katanya mau nonton, gue nengok belakang tiba-tiba elo udah tidur." bahkan ada yang bilang, "vin, sumpah awalnya gue kira lo pingsan, tidurnya meuni telentang kayak apaboa."


What names do you want to give to your children?

Setelah konsultasi, nambah nama belakang...

Alexander Finnick Mario / Alexander Timothy Reus

Anastasia Primrose Drew / Anastasia Nicole Carolyn

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

I still have a euphoria from Germany's winning in World Cup 2014, and I don't know why, since Gotze stunned in the final, and saw this link (http://9gag.com/gag/a754oMr?ref=fbp), -I don't really support LGBT or what-but their relationship is... I don't know..... it is so indescribable.

My OTP in sudden (just lasts for 2 weeks ahead I think :P)

Who knows you the best?

Kalo katanya Mother Gothel di Rapunzel (tangled) sih "Mother Knows Best". :333 #korbandisney

What motivates you?

These 2 things which will, are, and MUST BE in my hands in next 5-6 years ahead: :):):):)

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

2 days ago, Wednesday. Someone forgot to send some e-mails to me, so I have to cancel the surprise for this girl beside me in this photo:
Liked by: Vicky Theodora


Language: English