
Nicholas Kelvin H.

Ask @kelvfinnick_

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Do you think people deserve a second chance?

Not a second-chance giver. If you break my rules, break my trust, break my true personality, I might forgive, but it doesn't mean I forget easily. KA-BOOM!

What is prohibited in your country?

They prohibit something, but they never give solutions. Like money is the end.

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Who or what made you smile today?

Wahahahahha, orang-orang yang di bawah angkatan gue. gue lebih berjodoh dengan mereka, lebih banyak temennya daripada di angkatan gue sendiri.

What is your favorite sporting activity?

Never do sport. paling klo ada pelajarannya baru gerak. 6 tahun di RP, baru kemaren main futsal. 6 tahun di RP, baru 2 kali main basket. itu pun mainnya cuma kejar bola, diem di lapangan, kalo dapet bola ge gue lempar balik. gak pernah bisa bertahan bola basket ato futsal 3 detik di kaki gue. daku mah apa atuh. :):)

What is one thing you have tried to change, but couldn't?

My life.
Wahahahah, jadi inget pertama kali gue masuk SMA, dan udah banyak catatan buruk. Padahal, harusnya SMA jadi the best past of every body's life, I make their day worsen each day they realize they have me as a classmate, hoping I could leave their class and find another class for me. They think I am a jinx, and yeah, I could tell it's true.
Kelas yg selalu gue tempatin, pasti suka ngumpul bareng temennya, pasti garing, pasti ada aja yg gue bikin mereka illfeel sama gue, gak pernah menang lomba kalo 17 agustus ato acara natal. Kelompok yg sekelompok sama gue pasti tugasnya ancur, susah beresnya, awalnya rencana bagus, jadi ancur kebelakang-belakang.
No one will remember me, like who likes a nerd sih? No one. Nerds are people using big glasses with no humor. Or even worse, weirdo. Yeah, I'm a weirdo. Gue bukan negative thinking, tapi yang kenyataannya gitu kok. Gaada yg mau sekelompok sama gue, kalo nggak terpaksa aja. Gaada yang mau duduk bareng gue, kecuali orang yang emangg not really care of life. Kalo istilahnya kelas itu ganjil, gue apsti yang di belakang, sendirian. Kalo chat kelas, pasti gue suka dikacangin, di-read, paling klo lg butuh gue.
Kalo orang mau muji gue, pasti yg di pikirannya cuma pinter, itu aja. Gue nggak baik, gue ketus, gue garing, gue cengeng, gue sensitif. I tried to change my life, but hell no, i can't. I hope I could change it in another life, if I dare myself to end it.
Yes, I'm not proud of my life. just realize I deserve that kok. Toh, mereka pikir I am just somebody that they used to know.
Hahahahhaha, enjoy your life, kids out there. Mungkin ada orang yang jauh lebih ngenes dari hidup kalian kok :)

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If not now, then when?

Okay, if not now? Seriously, I should do what I want now? I give you list of my dreams and how it could be realized.
1. graduated from high school with best scores: June 2015.
2. get into FKM Studi Gizi UI / FEMA Gizi IPB / Nutrition and Food Science UC Davis or CSU Chico : June 2015.
3. being nutritionist: June 2019.
4. being actor in USA: January 2020.
5. winning first Oscar (Academy Awards): Feb/March 2021/2022.
6. having debut album: June 2023/2024.
7. debut performing at Grammy and winning first Grammy Award: January/February 2024/2025.
8. marrying with my love: June 2025.
9. having a baby: 2027.
10. going back to Indonesia: June 2027/2028.
11. directing first film: August 2029.
12. going back to USA for continuing career: June 2032.
13. getting in one film with my children: 2042.
14. continuing my career: until I am tired to do it.
See? if you say that you have to do those things in one second, you couldn't get it. Just wait, and give you best effort in every time, and in your way to get it. Stay close with your dream, put it in 2 inches from your eyes. Grab your dreams, and make them happens in right time. Everything is beautiful at the right time.

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Kelvin follow back ya! Sekalian fi desc nya dong hihi:3 thank youu!!

Sonya Basamida
Sonyaaaaa :3333 okay okay udah ya kom :P
fi: kayaknya diem, tapi gak yakin.. binal? juga gayakin... eh ternyata... :P

-gak suka dipanggil kokom, basaHmida, dsb.
-cangak giles, ketawanya cetarrr
-english debaters!
-ikut MUN kemaren, wakilin Germanyyy :3
-anak ips
-kalo ngumpul pasti ama via, sean, bona, jason...
-hapenya sony ato iphonee gitu
-kemaren kemaren sih belahan jiwanya di jogja, gatau deh sekarang msih ato nggak :P
-rapunzel fans parah! ampe sweet 17-an temanya rapunzel, moga-moga kisah cinta kayak rapunzel sama flynn ryder ya :3
-jarang normal :3
-katanya calon FIKOM UNPAD, semoga beneran ya :3
wahahahah segitu aja ya, sonyaaa :P
Liked by: Sonya Basamida

Gantian! Dear Via, sama 10 facts :D

Klara Livia
Klara Livia, orangnya supel, seru, gila, menyenangkan deh pokoknya :D semangat IPS-nya, diberikan jalan ya buat masuk univ impian :3
ih gue kan minta ke lu 7, kok nanya ke gue minta 10? gamau rugi --" :P
1. bawel expert
2. kita sekelas pas kelas 9 :3
3. bestest-nya sonya basah kokom :3
4. musiknya jago binggitss
5. punya kakak 1, adeknya 2, adeknya yg cowok kelas 10 seinget gue .---.
6. sudah jarang bertemu akibat beda lantai :(((
7. x-6,
8. xi ips 3 (the unicorns!!)
9. xii ips 3
10. sekelas lg sama si sonya 3 taunn, meuni bisa kitu yak :P

Plis Oma aja Jangan opung plis ToT

kan orang batak manggil kakek/neneknya kan opung :3 harus melestarikan budaya dan bahasa daerah dong biar nggak diklaim orang :3 #apasih #ngawur

A-Z dong! Wkwk thanks

LevanyaMrbn’s Profile PhotoVanya marbun

Anak sulawesi mueheheheh
Biasanya ambigu mulu :3
Calon dokter cieh cieh
Depok sekarang tinggalnya, liat aja ktp-nya (baca: kartu kereta)
Eh dulu anak kostan nihhh
Fikiran kothorrrr
Gang Pabaton tuh dulu kostannya
Haduh apa lagi ya
Ih jerawatannnnnn :P
Jeanny temen sekelasnya 3 taun (?)
Kelvin temen terkece-nya (?)
Lagi ngapain ya sekarangggg?
Mau dimasukin ke SMA Taruna Nusantara dulunya :3
Ngaku-ngakunya single bahagia tapiiiiii.....
Orangnya ceroboh bangetttt
Plis deh apa lagi
Qmu al4yzzz
Ramah kok tapi orangnya
Silent di luar
Tapi garang di dalam :3
Udah 17 taun belom yaaa?
Vanya panggilannya
Warna oranyeeeeeee
Xoroaku kampungnya (soroaku), tapi orang batak kok "Marbun" marganya
Youth spirit in granny face :P
Liked by: Vanya marbun

What does true friendship mean to you?

It means a lot to me. I am not expert to make friends. I have lots of people who hate me (or I am just giving a sh*t, maybe? My fault). Unfortunately, I trust people easily, I can talk with strangers easily. I can talk to people who just met in social media or chatting application. But, I can break my trust to people easily.

So, true friendship means a lot to me because, they can have a respect on me in every mood I have, every word I say. They know me exactly, so I have to pay back their trust to me.

What is your favorite song at the moment?

400 Lux - Lorde.
But, it should be a lot. These are the recommended to listen to:
Latch - Disclosure ft. Sam Smith
White Teeth Teens - Lorde
Maps - Maroon 5
Money, Power, Glory - Lana Del Rey
Old Money - Lana Del Rey
Brooklyn Baby - Lana Del Rey
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
Break Free - Ariana Grande ft. Zedd
Summer - Calvin Harris
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - both Lorde and Tears for Fears
Still Sane - Lorde
Work - Iggy Azalea
others were mentioned before such as:
Problem - Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea
Fancy - Iggy Azalea ft. Charli XCX
Ribs - Lorde
Shades of Cool - Lana Del Rey
Black Widow - Iggy Azalea ft. Rita Ora
White Noise - Disclosure ft. AlunaGeorge
Love Again - Pentatonix
and others! :3
Liked by: Sour Mimosa

How much money have you spent today and on what?

2.5k for angkot, 5k for breakfast, 4k for using TransPakuan, another 2.5k for angkot, 24.5k for lunch, 21k for fro-yo, another 2.5k for angkot. Total: 62k.
okay, ini kapan nabungnya?

lu minta 7 gue kasih 10 maap yak rata rata minta 10 sih hahaha ke mindsetnya gitu -_-

meheheheheheh makanya gue bingung flo.... ckckckckck begini nih, akibat galau mikirin..................
jerawat :)))) mehehehhe bukan mikirin JODOH kok :3 #apasih

Who are your enemies?

Hahahahaha. No, it's enough for me to have enemies. It's our last year in high school, so make friends... you will miss high school's memories when you are graduated.


Language: English