
Nicholas Kelvin H.

Ask @kelvfinnick_

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If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

1. "life imitates art." on my left arm
2. capitol logo on my right hand.
3. "D4SD" on my right/left ankle.

If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Everything. Grammatically, the word 'everything' is singular. So, it should be right. :)

If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

Sekaran piano dulu. Baru biola, baru saxophone, baru semuanya #eh

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

Sometimes, with lots of friends person. 'cause sometimes some people says hi to me a lot, sometimes not. so ... ya begitulah.

impersonate sasaaa! gantian brader haha

gue: "sasaaaa..."
sasa: "haiii..." *with a smile*
*kalo ketemu mano ama anti.... udah itu, so indescribable* =))
"aduh ini gimanaa..." *garuk-garuk kepala*
*saat mau ulangan biologi* *ada olin, tefilla* "kelvin, ikut belajar yaa..." seinget gue sih itu...
ngetweet pake bahasa inggris, ngomong kadang-kadang pake bahasa inggris.
kalo disapa pasti bales. pasti deh... ciyus :D
everything skating.
"sa, tikus, sa..." *langsung parno*
*foto sama tikus buat biologi ampe nangis* utututututu~~~
"kenapa gasuka tikus?" "ada buntutnya, kayak cacing gitu"
"kalo misalnya tikus gaada buntutnya pasti gatakut" "tetep aja takut, namanya aja tikus" JEGEEEERRRRR....
kesimpulan, jadi..... sasa itu ramah. ba-nget. super sekali. don't kow why but i must see you doing skating, tbh. :p

If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?



Language: English