
Nicholas Kelvin H.

Ask @kelvfinnick_

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What was your greatest success?

Indonesia-United States-Youth Leadership Program Auditions!!! The craziest thing ever in my life!

What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken?

Dari Bogor-Cirebon-Semarang. Terus dari Jogja-Solo-Temanggung-Cirebon.

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If you were to write a movie script – what would it be about?

ah, ntar liat aja film pertama gue, deket-deket ini. :) #maksa

How often do you buy things via the Internet?

Never. Hope this will be the great experience for buying things on line *pray*

City or countryside? What do you prefer?

COUNTRYSIDE! Living in an American/Texas house with mountains and valley scenery and a dog. :)


Language: English