

Ask @kinankawuryan

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I'd love to chase Baren as well, but I guess I had to forfeit As he isn't into boys, aite? So girls, have some fun and good luck Oh well...


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Why are you so overprotective towards that Baren dude? He isn't your boyfie, no? 😰

Because I can and he is not complaining.

Sekedar info..Jika kalian mengalami penipuan dalam “TransaksiONLINE” cukup kirim kronologis dan No. Rekening si penipu ke email “cybercrime@polri.go.id" POLRI akan langsung bertindak dengan memblokir ATM si penipu & melacak keberadaannya untuk di tindak sesuai hukum.

First thing first, this information is pure hoax. Polri won't have much time to directly track down every single case which only come by e-mail. It would make their job double, to identify which case is legit and then track down the scammer.
Anyway you can try sending email to that cybercrimepolriblahblahblah and you'd get response that the email you are trying to reach is unavailable.
But hey, there is something you can do to have safe online shopping experience. Why not check the online seller's bank account/phone number at www.penipu.id, they have scammers bank account/phone number database so you can check whether the seller is good or nah.
This one's legit and helpful. You can also report scammer's bank account/number to enrich their database!

Bisa jadi anak itu memang kemampuannya terbatas kan, siapa tahu? Banyak lho yang nilai sekolah jelek meski udah berusaha keras belajar.

The kid has problem and didn't do anything to fix it. That's the point.
No matter how low his/her ability to learn, I believe his/her brain is still proper enough to identify a problem yet the kid didn't do anything to improve.

UN dah mendekat dan gue takut galulus bgt, nilai gue ancur banget apalgi mtk gue tau ini ga penting di lo tp gue mau mendapat saran lo u kno answeran lo berarti buat gue

Wrong person to ask since I'm going to slap you real hard with reality.
Kalo lo ngga lulus ya berati lo emang belum layak jadi lulusan SMA. Therefore you need to study again to take paket C or next year's UN. Lagian 3 taun kemaren ngapain aja baru khawatir sekarang?
And don't elo elo me, kid.

Eh anon-anon jahat, kalo belum tau betul apa tuh etitutnya kak Kinan diem aja deh. Belum pernah ketemu juga. Namanya orang di media social sama realita itu beda tau. Bisa gak sih gausah soktau gitu dan biasa aja?

Omg come off anon and I'll treat you lunch. I'm serious.
P.s. I actually don't mind being called bitch but thank you so much :-)

Nan kalau berkenan minta tolong disampaikan ke baren ada salam dr arif mimi cuep ayub ardy katanya "temen aing natural banget actingnya salut". Moga kinan makin naik level filmnya jd mb mb artis papan atas aamiin.

Kinan Kawuryan messenger at your service:


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