

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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Do you like going to a mall ?

No I like Amazon better .. I feel that people stare at me too much. When I talk I’m loud .. I have a loud voice .. so when I talk people always turn around to look at me.. and I don’t like attention like that . I like privacy

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are you going to work?

Yea at night though .. I gotta meet some one.. I am helping my dad with the yard though… is cold for him and I’m stronger so I’m gonna help him

😄😄😄 What color shouls I dye my hair?

No. Like your hair like it is .. is very pretty. Blonde makes you look 😍

What temperature outside do you prefer?

My natural weather is 70-75 ( I was born in Mexico… cold weather makes my skin too pale, and I lack of energy because the Sun here it’s not too warm in the winters ..

What are you doing now?

I just had breakfast .. going up to my room … I feel like writing a song but I need more energy though.. I’m almost there … I also want my talent back .. I want to write song again, it was so easy for me to write songs in the past. Now I can’t even get one word out 😔 for real .. makes me so insecure about my self cause I’m like wtf

Share with me your favorite song 🎶🙂

Dreams can come true if we hold the thought with a positive feeling for a long time
ksieurbfucidnw’s Video 170291871940

Do you ever remember your dreams or nightmares? Or do you forget as soon as you wake up?

I remember them sometimes. Years ago I had so many nightmares… what I think is that I was dreaming my fall down . Because there was on dream in particular. I used to dream it all the time

Your name is beautiful

I love your name… I like to say it.. I wanna tattoo the letter E some where on my chest or arms

I'm tired of thinking about you

🤣😂🤣 don’t do it … that is bad 😅 don’t fall.. it’s not me.. it’s in your mid

admit that you are in love

No. I can’t. My heart is blocked. Because she’s still married and I have found the one… so, I’m not gonna put my self in that situation. And I’m not gonna put her in that situation.
You know what it is ??? When I met her I was broke … and she was broke too… I was looking for a job and she was too… and we both didn’t care about being broke, we just wanted a piece of mind.
She didn’t cheat on her husband, like my ex wife did to me… I think she’s a good person and she cares for her son. I’m not in love with her… I can’t be in love with her… I have found the one

If given the chance would you go up in to space? 🚀👩‍🚀

I’m not sure. I’m from earth and I feel save here

Do you have a lot to talk with your best friend ?

Not really. I don’t like to bother her, she’s sick. She can’t eat because something bad happened to her and she can’t use her mouth. I feel bad for people sometimes. It’s not romance is friendship. She had an attack 💀


Language: English