

Ask @lacieloo

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Who have you become close with recently

Loads of people tbh
-iona williams
-hayley wyn
-elizabeth lunn
-hayley wyn
-glesni haf
-amy prichard
-rhodd parry
-ryan bennett
-angharad jones
-erin bilsbrow
-lois owen
-carlo morris (again)

What happend with you and chelsea

She started it, we were sitting in science last lesson and she was slagging me and my best friend ( he cousion) off so me and iona put a book up in front of our faces and pretended to say things when all were doing was laughing and saying blaa blaa blaa, then she said we were doing her head in then she said to ion she's never liked her and she goes home telling her dad how much she hates her and that's the reason why she never goes to her house, so iona got upset so then she said she's never liked me when she was saying she hated eirian the other week:L so I lost it and called her a 2 faced cow then she was like nodding her head being cocky then said ionas trying to be to much like me and that she's turning into a slag, I don't know how though when iona was in a relationship for 2 years with the same guy, just because we don't go smoking like hard people...anyways she called me loads of names and said she meant everyword so I lost it and called her a pathetic childish bitch and heartless, then iona started crying because she was upset about what her so called good cousion had said about her then chelsea went to the toilets crying so I walked in there to get tissue and she told me to fock off so I told me that she's made iona cry then she was like ' I don't care, her fault'...if she thinks for one second I'm going to let her make my best friend out to be something she's not then she can think again! Me and iona never usally have arguemnts with people but I lost it! I don't like her end off so yeah that's what's happend hehe

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This sounds really stupid now ok, I'm really shy and I could never ask this to someone in person, I'm 14 and I think its about time I knew because people always talk about it but I have no clue what it is. Well anyway, what is "giving someone head" ?

Aw you're sweet,if you don't know what it is then that's good but it's another work for a BJ

This probably sounds dumb but whats a "hipster"?

Oh,someone who thinks their that cool they decide to wear girls clothes but add chains and stiff to them,who think their the best, TRIANGLES are also a hipster sign! PLEASE DON'T BE ONE!


Language: English