

Ask @lacieloo

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Awh well you are beautiful so thought I'd tell you, and thanks for what you said on mine earlier! Hate what everyone says about me-.- x x

Welcomes cutie and I hate people who get hate for no reason! Gets on my tits xx

You're mams so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat people yell taxi

Here we go again and this is another fail because...
1) like I said my mams a skinny bitch
2)she doesn't own anything yellow
3)she doesn't have a raincoat
4)taxis are white from where I'm from
5)we phone a taxi company up and ask for one not shout..
ANOTHER FAIL! Keep them coming I'm entertained

5 questions, here we go... 1. how are you? 2. fav colour? 3. who or what means the most to you? 4. honest opinion of me? 5. fav singer/band?

1) good thankyou hunie
2)baby blue
3)my friends and family
4)you're stunning and you seem Lovley
5)vince Kidd x

What do u think of saskia Jenkins

Well! I've know her since I was 10/11! Ages ago... She's like a younger sister to me! She's one of my best friends and I love her loads! She's always been there for me no matter what! She's a true friend no matter what anyone says! She's never quick to judge people and she's always there to talk to and tell your worries to! Basically she's perfect in ever way and if anyone thinks of changing her I will kill them! She might be small and skinny but her heart is Hugely massive! I trust her with everything! So yes I love her millions<3<3

Turn offs and ons

Turn offs
-greasy hair
-sweaty people
-when they burn in your face
-yellow teeth
-pants half down there ass
-snapbacks back to front
-smoke in front of you and blow it in your face
-farting next to you
Turn ons
-nice smile
-nice hair
-nice white teeth
-nice Huggs
-nice personality
-nice friends
-when the offer you to wear their jjacket

what annoys you?

Millions of things but here's a few
-boys who smoke to impress
-boys who are chavs
-people who lie
-prozzys because they have no self respect
-teachers who bum others
-the flaming government
-being broke when I have money then when I have loads if money I don't know what I want
-boys chavs and girl chavs who baby chavs
-people who wear snapbacks back to front
-people who try and be hipster then FAIL
-people who swear constantly...
-people who are full of them selfs
-boys who 'think'their fit


Language: English