

Ask @lacieloo

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You might of lost your friend but she will always be with you

Yes! She will always be with me! I've know her since I was in nursery so i know she will be with me and the rest of her close friends and family Untill we meet again xox
Liked by: Molliewyn Kacey.

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i dont know you, and i dont even know what happened, but i got told to show my respect so im guessing its something bad, so all my respect to you, and im here if you need someone!xxx

georgia richards†
Aww thankyou gorjuss,means a lot!xxx
Liked by: Molliewyn

I didn't know Cleo, but she sounded an amazing girl and nobody deserves to die (R.I.P) cleo you will be missed by everyone, thoughts are with her friends and family xxxx

stephen postill
Thankyou so much hunny,can't seem to stop thanking people tonight but I am genuinely great full for all the support xxxx
Liked by: Molliewyn

I hope you're ok babe I didn't know Cleo personally but in sure she's going to be missed by loads and I hope your ok xx

Thankyou and yea she will be sadly missed!thanks xx
Liked by: Molliewyn

And as for the sick twisted comments ur getting just ignore them... We shal see how they will b if if happend to them!!!! Xxx

Yes! There disgusting! There sick in the head! She did nothing to no one! xxx

Cleo is just one person get over it

Get over it!! NO how bout you get manners and how would you like it of you have kids and they die...will you be saying that then? She was a amazing friend and we all love her,why say it on anon because you know you will get hate for saying such a cruel thing!
Liked by: Amy Bywater

Your opinion on wearing two pairs of tights? What do you hate about it if you do and is it comfy?

Personally I think there in comfy but everyone's different so I stick to one pair :)
Liked by: Jhamane jones

i have astma attacks all the time. i know how bad they can be, i believe that everything happens for a reason, maybe you will never know the reason but yeah you will be fine, much love xx

Lorah Tate
Aww,I didn't know they could kill you,god always seems to take the nicest people! And thankyou hunie xx
Liked by: Jhamane jones

Using your dead friend to get likes. Your the sicko mate!

Are you off you sick pathetic twisted head! The only sicko is you! I would prefer is Cleo was still alive than have a few likes! Do you know how sad your sounding! I would give anything got Cleo to be here! Grow up and get some respect you horrible person

Omg!:( I'm so sorry to hear. R.I.P Cleo. God only takes the best! Thats why he won't take me.. Hope your okay xxx

Thankyou anon:) means a lot and life goes on xxx
Liked by: Jhamane jones

So sad to hear about your friend. I didn't know get but she was loved by so many. R.I.P Cleo. Thoughts go out to her friends and family.

Wesley Hughes (:
Thankyou Wesley! And yes she was loved by everyone!she wouldn't hurt a fly:( and means a lot :)x
Liked by: Jhamane jones

Hey babe it's Emma! Keep your chin up, she was beautiful and know that now she's looking over you all and helping you along the way, I'm always here if you need me, such an upsetting time! Can't belive that she's gone! I love you sweetheart and so does Cleo, much love! xxxxxxxxxx

Thankyou Emma! Come see me soon and yes she didn't deserve to leave us like that!:( love you too and rest I peace my angel xxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Jhamane jones Emma

Please read and like to show your respect<3

Today,we lost someone incredible! A daughter,best friend and so much more! 26/11/12 Her name was Cleo Wyn Lloyd,just age 14! She had the most beautiful caring smile:) she didn't judge anyone by there back round,colour,what they looked like or what they where,she was purely amazing! She always had time for everyone and anyone! He smile made everyone else smile and she cared for people! But it seems god likes to take the good people away from us...:( she died of a Athsma attack and was out in intensive care! You can't imagine what her parents are going through loosing a daughter at such a young age! Cleo was a stunner and was a tryley genuine person! She was my closest friend and she will be sadly missed, she has been reunited with her daddy and uncle! Rest in peace my baby,and see you soon darling! Sleep tight<3!

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I'm glad Cleos dead

Are Focking kidding me!! You childish twat! She was the most beautiful,lovely and down to earth person you could ever ask for, she had the nicest smile and the cutest dimples! She hasn't even been dead a full day yet! And you sit there writing horrible and disgusting things like this! How sad are you you have nothing better to do than sit there and say cruel things about my friends! She had a asthma attack and was put on intensive care unit! Then her parents where told she had died because of it! How sick can you possibly be! No one deserves to die and no one should wish people dead but people like you out shame on this world! Cleo will be sadly missed and everyone will look at this and think how much of a cunt you are, you would never say this of we were face to face or if people knew who you where because you would get so much hate for it! You think your cool because you have the power of being in anonymous! Well news flash your just a cold hearted,cruel,childish bully who will do alone! Get a grip you nasty person and go get some respect!

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