

Ask @lacieloo

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Aiden told me to tell you he's sorry because you won't talk to him or something

Omg just fock off,your both starting to annoy me now,I bet 200 of my questions is about him or you...JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

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any beauty tips for ugly girls like me?:/<3

Aww,please don't put your self down:( I'm sure your beautiful! Everyone's beautiful in there own way!!:( who is this little cutie:-)<3
Liked by: Jacob doomsdale

He really likes you

YESS OK I GET THE PICTURE! Please just leave me alone with these stupid aiden questions,I get he likes me but have you ever thought about how I feel? He seems like a lovely boy and everything but I don't know him AT ALL I've never seen him don't know what he looks like?ever spoken to him propley or anything so yea,think about that

If I was as pretty as you I would take loads of pics

I don't even take a lot of photos,the same as everyone else...and thankyou& there just attention seekers who have nothing better to do than hate on other people
Liked by: Jacob doomsdale

you're such a poser. taking a picture of yourself every five seconds. lmfao, get over yourself!

Hmmm,give me hate if you want but al least have the decency to take it off anon:) and yea poser wouldnt call it that,im not camra shy so get a life you sad pathetic child.

Opinion on your brother?

Well...he's my brother,were like most brother and sister,we fight like ALL the time but he's always there for me that's what older brothers do,he's so vain tho..but yes I do love him

Why are you teaching people how to speak welsh?

Maybe because he wants to learn some welsh even tho he lives in England? Wouldn't you like to learn a different language apart from what ever they teach you in school
Liked by: Jacob doomsdale

Would you ever consider being a lesbian?:***

Nope But people I know are gay and they wouldn't of thought they would be so you can't really choose who you fall in love with but I defiantly wont
Liked by: Molliewyn


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