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Ask @lalunax999

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why do i have alot of guy friends but make exscuses that i dont want female friends?

ghost hunter
didn’t you say you were more comfortable with guys than girls anyways ?

Do you have crocs is so how many? And which ones?

I’m wearing them rn 😭 I have 2 pairs and I want more

If you deleted someone without warning and they messaged you asking why you did it… Wouldn’t you at least give them an answer?

No I deleted you for a reason lol

I asked a guy to give me a baby. He said he will think about it. Am I wrong for wanting to be a single mom ? I’m done looking for love .


My friend who is 39 has a pacemaker but can't get on the 3 major rollercoasters at universal studios Florida, rocket launcher, hulk & velociraptor. Is there anyway around this or speak to to someone higher up so he can ride?

No. There is probably a good reason why he can’t ride them. Heart problems aren’t a joke.

What is your favorite color and did it ever change like I was so In the red then black then blue lol blue wins

currently yellow before it was orange and before that it was green lol

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

damn boi you slept good huh

Things women find unattractive but don't say?

Y’all do know the littlest things gives us the ick lol 😂

How can I get over the fear on asking this girl I like for her number? Also, should I ask for it straight up or in a slick way?

Slick ways are always nice

Language: English