
Lana P

Ask @Lana_Carter

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Selama ini, selama kalian kuliah, tugas apa yang paling sulit?

Tugas paling sulit.... kalo gue bilang semua kayaknya gue gak kompeten banget.... heung.... pengarsipan deh. Itu tugas..... makan hati, makan tenaga, makan pikiran, dan yang paling berat.... makan isi dompet Q__Q

yaudah tgl 15 aja sabtu minggu depan

BayuOssborne’s Profile PhotoBayu Osborne ✔️
Bay, besok kita jadi apa enggak sih? Gue bbm lo ga deliv. Masalahnya agenda gue sabtu minggu ini padet, kalau besok ga jadi biar gue bisa atur ketemuan sama yang lain nih ;___;

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missc kangen u.u /btw itu dibawah aku lihat loh lihat//itu loh ituuuu//tinggi kamu missc//nanti kukasih tau kris loh/ :*

iiiiiiihhhhhh aku kangen kamu banget missL!!!! sumpaaahh heuheuheuuuu pingin mengheboh sama lagi tapi tugas lagi bnyaaakkk hueeeee. kkkk ah kamu jangan lah, wanita kan punya harga diri soal tinggi badan xD tinggiku perlu 5cm lagi biar pas kalau dipeluk saa Mr. Wu kekekeke

lan, dulu ada di sf3si yang ceritanya tentang shinee jd bodyguard anaknya presiden kalo ngga salah. lu tau judulnya gak?

yang shinee jadi bodyguard? heuuumm ada beberapa sih tapi rata2 di judulnya ada bodyguard2nya gitu kok gue lupaaa... krbanyakan cuy ff di sf3si. tapi yg gue inget yg judulnya my lovely bodyguard, coba dibacaaa

haha iye kamprett bangett tugas kuliah ribet wkwk, folback lan, kuliah dimana lu?

Walgum’s Profile PhotoWaluyo AP
udin. Yeeee kepo aja hahaha~ basa-basinya telat nih, udah semester 3 baru nanya gue kuliah dimane =,=

please learn about smile.

eungh... i actually smile a lot you know, just not to all people (that may not return the favor). Just because i was born with this growling face, doesn't mean i don't know how to smile.

please do be a "judes" person :(

i'm sorry? You want me to be 'judes' or what? I don't... quite get it ._.a or you telling me i'm 'judes', i'm sorry if you feel that way. I don't mean too, i try to keep down my anger, if you by any chance ever get insulted by me. I'm really sorry, seriously.

lana, i just want to know, if you have any problem, will you tell that to your friend or your family? i just the people who can't tell my problem to anyone :(

We pretty much the same. It's hard to open up and trust people, yes? I have a thing called Pistanthrophobia, but my other friend told me that i just trying to protect my image in others eyes.
Before, my only refuge is writing a journal in blog. Blog wasn't that popular at the time, and i have my own pleasure being open but invisible at the same time. Until one of my friend come to me saying he reads one of my journal, and said that he laugh his ass out because of my way or writing. It then turns to be a 'made-up' journal and i stop writing private problems in there. But, it really really nice to write down my problem, with or without people read it.
I started open up when i found one person who seems so oblivious yet know me more than i know myself. She don't judge, neither great adviser or listener. But she try, she care. And she cry when i cry, even when we just talked on the phone. I did try my best to tell her my story, the one that is more complex. But... i suddenly feeling so insecure that i stop talking.
Then there's another one, that is too care for my liking yet i can't help but lean on her. She's good at taking care of people, i trust her without realizing it, let her take my heart with every story i shared. Then one day, she's gone, she stop caring, stop talking to me, and throw me over the bridge i don't think i can ever get up on my feet again. There's no visible wound, but the hurts stay
But now i have someone, i don't exactly go to her for my every problem, but i did when it's unbearable and i just want to cry my eyes out. We're not that close, we don't understand each others like besties did. But we talk and we listen. She doesn't give any advice if i don't ask her to, neither i, but it feels like she's already saying much in fact, she just say 'gatau, gue gak pernah ngalamin. Tapi lo pasti baik-baik aja, Lana.'
So far, i realize, my only refuge that never turn her back from me is my sister. She never listen like she care, she's totally sucks at giving advice, but she gives out the feeling of comfort. And, writing something, fictional or journey, everything, or reading. I listen to people and seek comfort out of it. Try it, writing, Whether on a blog, or diary. It helps. But if you think it's not enough. You can go to me. Because first, we don't know each other, you can always run away if you think your story will ruin ur image or something, and i don't have a chance to ruin your life by spreading your secret.
You know, it's not healthy to keep everything by yourself, it's just making you hard to think positive, and it's about time you finally breakdown and give out.
You just need to find a person that won't talking shit and spreading your secret, there must be one beside you. Just don't close the door too tight, you may hurt yourself.
I don't really think this will help, but please open up even just a little. I know how hard it is.

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kak lanaaaaa, kadang nita ragu main di talktalktalk , entar kalo dikacangin itu kan sakitnya tuh disini kak *nunjuk jari/?

Hahaha Nitaaaa.. enggak laaahh. Paling banter aku yang nyahutin, tapi telat-telat gitu nyahutinnya kekeke

hi! i just want to share this. I was the one who always tried to be a good person, but i think there the people who do not like me. how do you think? :(

Every single person ever felt this way in their life, you're not alone, dude.
This means, it's no big deal you know.
C'est la Vie, my teacher said. If there's no hate, then there will be no love. You will know you like somethings, after you have other thing that not in your liking list. Rite? You can't have peace without far. The basic of life is yin and yang, white and black, right and wrong. Beside, If there's only good thing in this world, if you can get what you want as easy as taking shit (pardon my french) where's the fun of it?
It's frustrating, i know.
You can do anything you want, but not everything. There's a limit for everything. Now, let me ask you. Can you love every single things, every single person, every single flaws, in this world? That frown on your forehead, i'll take that as a 'No'. Then how do you expect everyone to like you? There's even a possibility that you hurt someone just to be good to the other. I myself, i admit, is full of flaws that is stitch together for a good purpose. Often hurt the others on my way to live a better life.
If it's bother you so much, try to change the way you see things. Let them hate you, ignore you, badmouthed you, test yourself on how much can you take then flips your hair like a diva and walk out saying "Whatever, fucker." then, dance with Taylor Swift with 'Shake it Off'
Set your mindset from "why there are people who don't like me?" to "If there's a person who don't like me, then there must be a person who like as much as that person hate me"
Feeling better? Hope i help.

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hi! let me ask you please. how do you think about "orang sok kaya" . do you think it's so disgusting? i hate that people, but i dont know how i must to do

Well, it may be disgusting especially when they act so high and put people around them below. But you know, if you really hate that kind of person. Think of it in a good ways. 'Orang sok kaya' tend to show people what they've got (in this case, money or things). This will cost your pride, but have you ever heard words of 'pelorotin pelan-pelan'? LOL, but find a ways to make them in your advantage even though sometimes it puts your pride in the line. They usually naive that you can have the 'friends-with-benefit' relationship without them realize.
If you think my idea is insane, then don't try to say that 'orang sok kaya' disgusting. Not all people you labeled as 'orang sok kaya' really have the intention to show off. You don't have any right to judge just because they sin differently. Just let the fact shown up without you blow it off. There's this saying "What's left unsaid, say it all."
Let they live their life the way they wanted it, they're the one who get they own tomatoes anyway (what?!)

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Baru aja pulang travelling sendirian nih ahahhaa mencari kesenangan hidup, tahun kedua berat banget. Lo gimanaa?

Ini siapaaa? Adhi kah? Enak banget sih bisa traveling, sendirian pula. Udah kemana aja?
Banget, pingin nangis aja gue. Yang bikin berat bukan tugasnya... tapi bayar fotokopian sama print-an itu #baladamahasiswa

Hi! :) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

ditanonymous’s Profile Photod
If you asked me, there will be too many things to write. But mostly, it's the judging eyes of people and how people keep pushing us to the corner that makes us squirming and afraid to do it all again. Like, gue salah ngomong sedikit, karena gue gak ngerti, tahu-tahu di bilang 'Duh kamu gimana sih? Masa gitu aja gak ngerti! Ya kamu pikir dong, kenapa begini kenapa begitu. Bego amat'
don't you think that will hurt you? Mentally, yes. Kalau kalian tipe yang 'whatever' sih oke aja, kayak yang 'ya udah sih' tapi deep down inside, pasti ada little scratch that may becoming bigger and wait to tear your heart apart and by the time it does, you'll drop down on ur knees saying 'i can't' then you stop trying. because you see, lidah itu adalah bagian paling tajam di tubuh ini. Lukanya gak keliatan, kadang gak kerasa, tapi berbekas.
Can you see what i'm trying to say?
Parents or older people have to learn to just sit back when someone make mistake and just nod their head saying 'that's okay, you'll learn from you're mistake. Just make sure you won't make the same mistake twice, because if you do it's either you're a moron or that you choose it be that way.'
you know, i'm actually one of those people who hates people for judging other people, but i keep judging people too (although in my head). But there's one time, when i scold people for being stupid and she just shrug it off sayin 'yeah well i made mistake, so what? Life doesn't come with instruction, you know. At least that what's tumblr said'
I kind of want to smack her head off but laughing at the same time. So yeah... if only people can think that way. We wouldn't be so afraid to be wrong.
You won't know white if there's no black, there's no right without wrong. It's all just a fkin plain life, so sit back people!

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Hi! :) Menurut kalian, apa sih yg harus diperbaiki Indonesia supaya objek wisatanya bisa lebih dikenal, baik oleh turis mancanegara maupun turis domestik? Kan sebenarnya banyak nih objek wisata yang bagus di Indonesia, tapi sepertinya kurang dirawat atau kurang dikenal. Pendapat kalian bagaimana?

ditanonymous’s Profile Photod
Sebenarnya sih yang harus diperbaiki SDM yang menduduki jabatan di departemen pariwisata. Otaknya kemana? Kok ya gak cari jalan keluar untuk mempromosikan objek wisata dan budaya Indonesia. Well, butuh kerja sama dari setiap departemen sih untuk meraih golnya. Tapi setidaknya, bisa dimulai dari, pembatasan turis ke Bali. Man.. like Indonesia tuh cuma Bali doang? Bukannya gue anti sama Bali, please, how can i say no to heaven? Tapi kan Indonesia punya banyak surga, sayang aja gitu kalau orang2 udah puas hanya dengan satu surga.
Harus ada seseorang yang turun tangan yang bisa memberi pelatihan dan sistem yang baik di tempat-tempat yang punya prospek baik dalam bidang pariwisata. Kayak... dikasih pelatihan untuk bikin sesuatu yang khas daerah itu selain bikin kaos atau sandal jepit atau gantungan kunci. Jadi orang gak kecele. Semacem, itu tempat makan kumuh luar biasa tapi harga kampret, jatah makan satu bulan abis di situ. Atau, gue capek, pingin duduk 5 menit, tahu-tahu di suruh bayar 30000. Sumpah demi apa, Indonesia sakit banget. Kursi aja di suruh bayar. Gue mau nangis aja rasanya waktu itu, mau duduk doang bayar. Ada yang salah di sana. Tolong dong yang berkuasa dan duduk di departemen pariwisata kasih pelatihan ke mereka.
Jakarta punya gak sih marchendise yang Jakarta banget selain kaos gambar monas yang kualitasnya kaki lima, harganya distro internasional. Gantungan kunci juga gak bagus-bagus amat. Pemerinta rasanya juga gak akan tahu seberapa banyak merchendise itu dibeli. Karena gak terkordinasi penjualan dan segala macemnya.
Iklan enjoy jakarta juga kurang menarik. Kenapa harus mengiklankan negara kita dengan warga negara tetangga. pake orang indonesia yang cakep-cakep juga jadi, banyak tuh di mall. Acara kayak 100 Hari keliling Indonesia tuh bagus, harusnya pemerintah mendukung dalam iklannya. Terus juga... apa tuh? Hidden Paradise atau apa itu.. udah ada kan stasiun TV yang melek soal potensi bagus ini, tapi pemerintah duduk diem aja. Gak ikutan kasih apresiasi.
Jadi apa yang harus diperbaiki? SDM nya tante. Ngomong si gampag, you say. Tapi kan bukannya orang-orang yang menjabat di departemen pariwisata ahli di bidangnya? Gak sulit dong harusnya? Karena orang-orang biasa yang gak punya ilmu aja punya banyak akal soal pariwisata Indonesia.
Itu aja sih

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Liked by: Rizka Rahmadan d

Hi! :) Ada nggak sih tempat favorit di kota tempat tinggal kalian sekarang yang sering kalian kunjungi? Dan kenapa sering ke tempat tersebut? Oh, have a nice day! :)

ditanonymous’s Profile Photod
Tempat favorite yang sekarang sering dikunjungi?
Stasiun kereta.... definitely yes.
Sekarang berasa ada seninya gitu kalau duduk di stasiun nunggu kereta sambil denger lagu, terus ada angin, rambut kibar-kibar, ngeliatin orang lalu lalang keluar dari kereta.
Well... pada dasarnya... i'm just lonely *forever alone*
but nope, i'm too busy-slash-lazy to go out of my house except to go to school. hng..
Liked by: d

Kaaa FI, D sama I anak anak wildinourway dongs

gue ngabisin waktu satu bulan buat jawab ini. In the end gue cuma define secara umum.
FI: Wow... what a wierdos
D: Totally one of a kind
I: Say pen**s peopleeeee!!! Wohooo *screaming in Dufan like a pervert*
wonder how can i be in this wild ways of life ckckck
Love ya gals! Sori jarang ikut bacot di group *smooch*


Language: English