
Lana P

Ask @Lana_Carter

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When was the last time you tried something new?

yesterday. i tried starbucks's new product chocolate cheese cake, but it's not that good. my aunty can make better.

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Hai lan!!! Mohon maaf lahir batin yah, semoga tahun depan bisa bukber lagiii ;)) <3

Haaaaahhh Fatihuyyy gue belum lahir batin sama lo ya ;_; heuuu maafkan. Sama-sama, maafin gue ya kalau ada salah ngomong gitu.. IYA IYAAA amiiinn :) Fathia udah balik ke jogja sekarang?

Wuhuuu... unnieeee~ fotomu canteeekksss :'v aku nita oke nita~ hahaha :'v kapan ya kita ngegila di sf3si lagi T.T ?

haaaahh apa-apaan hahaha itu kebetulan aja lagi cakep xD. Makasih betewe kekeke~
Iyaaaa heuuu kapan lah nih sf3si bisa rame lagi ;_; kamu mampir makanya ke talk3, nanti aku sahutin kookk


Dear Sohwa
I know we've never met before, but i'm sure your the people person type. And just the type everyone want to be friend with.
It's really nice having you as a partner for brainstorming. we may clash, but that's the point of brainstorming or discussion session, no?
We barely know each other for very long, but yet, you already know much about me. Guess, i have to do something with that. I becoming more and more guilty about that since i appear like i know nothing bout you.
My sis suddenly remind me of something. The time we fought. I don't remember what it is about, but she said that time i was being so hard and rude with you. So, i'm really sorry. Because i can't recall what's the problem, and also for being rude at that time. This will sound like a cheap excuse or something, but from what i can recall, it's the period where i shut people out. Everyone. but still, i'm sorry for shutting you out too. Amazing how you still can act like an old friend with me.
So, Sohwa, you're an amazing person. I don't know if that's your true personality or what, i just glad you are. Please keep this up, cause i already share too much secret with you compared to my real-life friends even, and just so you know it a good thing. Not everyone can make people open up their heart, and if they do, then it means you're so comfortable and secure to be with.
Wow... better post this before i change my mind keke~
xoxo, darl.

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Hai kak, punya pengalaman lucu + malu-maluin gak? ceritain dong. Makasih kak! :)

chyntiaca’s Profile PhotoSc : chyntiaca
eehh.. banyak. Kalau kamu nanya nya 'punya cerita yang cool gak kak?" nah bingung deh aku jawabnya LOL.
Well, ada satu cerita, yang gak bisa dilupain sama temen-temen SMAku. Aku lupa ini jaman kelas berapa, yang pasti hari itu aku pulang sekolah dengan bawaan segudang. Berkas-berkas entah kertas ujian, apa absensi, apa soal latihan atau materi, gatau lupa. Aku sekertaris kelas, so yeah, rempong. Aku sama anak-anak naik angkot nih kayak biasa, kita duduk agak kebelakang. Tumbenan angkotna sepi kan tuh
abangnya ngebut nih ceritanya, kita lagi ngobrol.
Itu kejadiannya semacem dalam kejapan mata. Si abang ngerem mendadak, temen2ku sih berhasil pegangan, aku juga reflek cari pegangan. But screw dokumen di dalam pelukan, aku gak sempet pegang apa-apa, dan berakhir dengan jumpalitan di dalem angkot. ini serius, secara harafiah, jungkir balik (dari duduk jadi nungging, dari kursi pojokan, mental ke jok supir), dan itu kertas berceceran di dalem angkot.
Jadi... orang satu angkot ngakak semua, sementara aku dengan menyedihkan, ngumpulin berkas-berkas yang berceceran di lantai mobil. Yeah... aku sudah ikhlas. Biarkan Tuhan membalas orang itu
p.s: berdasarkan konfirmasi anak-anak satu sekolah dan temen kuliah, aku memang bermasalah dengan apa yang disebut 'seimbang'. terima kasih banyak -___-
ini ceritaku, apa ceritamu

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5 fact about me :P

BayuOssborne’s Profile PhotoBayu Osborne ✔️
1. Laki (yeah, Bay, gue masih mau mengakui lo laki)
2. Moody
3. talk-active gak juga sih tapi, banyak omong kayaknya.. heuumm.. tukang cerita? ya ya ya
4. Can't hide feeling very well (it's all written on your face, pals)
5. So far, bisa diandalkan
that's you~

Halo :) Selamat hari raya idul fitri ya, semoga kita menjadi pribadi yg lebih baik setelah ini. Mohon maaf lahir batin atas semua kesalahan yg pernah tak buat ya {}

OnewJr’s Profile PhotoFirda
Amiiiinnnn :) Mohon maaf lahir dan batin juga yaaa ^^

Hi! :) Apakah kalian punya saudara kandung? Kalau iya, can you share your story about your relationship with them? Kalau anak tunggal, bisa ceritain nggak how does it feel to be 'the only child' in your family? :)

ditanonymous’s Profile Photod
i... yes. satu kakak dan satu adek. how do i say this. eermm.. we have a love-hate relationship. something like that. i don't talk much with people, but i can't stop talking with my sister. years before now, i took her for granted and she's not a smart sister i'm hoping for. she cant even chop a garlic, and i can never control my anger when she start asking too much question. well, call me a spoiled sister, but one day it hit me. i kept yellin at her but she never fired back. then me and my friend talk about how it feels to have a spoiled sister, then they say 'anjrit lan, lo jadi adek nyebelin parah. kalo gue kakak lo udah gue bakar lo. lo jahat sumpah' then yeah, it change bit by bit. we never fight like other siblings do, i yell then we're cool. or she yell, i yell back, and we're cool. just like that. we can't stay mad at each other for too long, so we always, well technically, she always give her pride away first.
while my brother... we're close but not really. i hate him before, probably all my friends know what i feel about him. but it's all change five years ago. when(again)my friends kept tellin me 'lo jahat banget deh lan jadi kakak.' my bro was a cute boy back then when i hate him, totally cute and timid. but the time i tried to be a better sister, he already cross the wrong path. so, i let him go all the way. he's a big boy, there's no way i will pull him to the right path and make him lose the chance to experience a failure of life. well i dont mean it in a bad way. it just, a man, a real man, is someone who have gone through the worst of life and still stand strong while learning how fate works.
we are all good. we are open, but we still have thing to keep to our own self. i'm not pushing anyone be a bro or sis i dream of. we fight, we made up, we yell, we cry, we betrayed each other, and trust each other. nothing special, but worth keeping.

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Kaaak aku udah resmi 17 yo loooh, bagi pw double door hihi :D

OnewJr’s Profile PhotoFirda
eeerrr kasih gak yaaaa hahah minta sama kak kuku gih, itu ff nya dia kan :D

Kak, yang ngasih penjelasan soal gimana answer "dear" bukan akuu :33

OnewJr’s Profile PhotoFirda
oh really? well... ini namanya mempermalukan diri sendiri hahahah siapapun yang bales soal 'dear' makasih yaaa ^^

Hi! :) Buat kalian, what kind of advice from your parents that you will never forget? And can you describe about your parents and share your story about your relationship with your parents? :)

ditanonymous’s Profile Photod
Well, my parents not the type of parents that will hold a bonding time then talk heart to heart with their kids. But they kept tellin me this 'as cliche as it may sounds, there's no way you can fight this world alone. as you can see, our family are extraordinary, either in a good or a bad ways. but whatever, they are the reason we still can stand strong and we are the reason they got what they have today. no matter how complicated our family become, no matter how mad we become, just don't you ever point your gun at your own family.' well still seek the real meaning behind it, but it's clearer nowadays.
my parents are stubborn, funny but not really, and we are so not used with the thing called love and are so awkward. not they didn't love us, it just, we don't go to each other telling 'i love you mom, dad.' or 'i miss you'. but we're happy and comfortable around each other. i always told them about my day, or when i don't like something. i tried to be open and still learn how to be caring to my own family, how to say 'i love you' without shivered.
we really are good, i hate them sometimes, i go mad, then act like nothing happened, sometimes i loved them too much it hurts. sometimes we go buddy-buddy and talk about life, or music, or people. sometimes i tell them something like 'ma, de naksir cowok. ganteng deh, dompetnya tebel kayaknya.' or 'pa, bete banget masa. anak jaman sekarang seneng banget temen makan temen' and one time i tell them 'de mimpi nikah umur 23, masa. calon suaminya ganteng sih, tapi de masih muda, terus de gak pingin nikah, tapi dia ganteng, terus de bangun.' then we laugh like we just talked about the weather or the annoying neighbor.
that just how we roll. my parents may not be the best parents in the world. they can't give me the most expensive car in the world. but the gave me the most expensive experience that i still try to understand. it's okay, cuz that's life. sometimes bad, sometimes good. i doubt my parents love, but well, what can i say? we're human, and we are good.

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Di askfm, dear itu mksdnya... You can tell everything to the person yg nanya tapi diawali dg dear. Like: dear lana, kamu kok bla bla bla atau dear johan sbenrnya bla bla bla.. Gtu lannn

WAH tengkyu very much for telling me. Let's repeat.
Dear Firda,
We never met, i don't know you, i don't know what you look like (walaupun kamu pernah PAP atau aku bisa liat di ProfPic.). But whatever, because you love SHINee too
Bukannya kamu lebih kecil dari aku, harusnya 'Gtu Kaak' ((canda))
Aku bisa inget muka sama nama orang yang pernah aku lihat 10 tahun lalu tapi karena kita belum pernah ketemu, banyak informasi tentang kamu yang kadang aku inget kadang enggak. Maafkan ya. Otak ini sulit diajak kerjasama.
Jadi aku bingung mau bilang apalagi di segmen 'dear...' ini ._.v
Just yeah... keep support SHINee and SF3SI *salah fokus*
Liked by: Firda


OPPIINN APA KABAR JUGA? AYOK KETEMU!! MUMPUNG GUE HAID HAHA. Cantik? ;__; itu DP 3 bulan lalu, dan sekarang wajah gue ini..........

Hi! Kalau kalian diberi kesempatan untuk membuat charity event, kira-kira ingin membuat yang seperti apa dan konsepnya bagaimana? :)

ditanonymous’s Profile Photod
Wow charity event, my long time dreams. Rasanya bakalan asik kalau konsepnya pentas musikal, atau mungkin aku aja yang sangat-sangat kepingin lihat pentas musikal di Brooklyn, hihiw. Tapi, di Indonesia ini kan musikal tidak seumum pensi-pensi biasa ya, ini bisa jadi sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlewati. Acaranya bisa di buat selama 3 hari (gak usah muluk-muluk), di venue, ada booth donor darah, gudang buku (untuk yg mau menyumbangkan buku), garage cloth (kalian jual baju, kami yang beli untuk kemudian disumbangkan), recycle (proyek kecil-kecilan kepada anak2 sekolah untuk menghasilkan produk dari barang-barang daur ulang), dan panggung musikal. Harga tiket sih kalau bisa yang terjangkau tapi juga bisa membantu menutup pengeluaran walaupun gak banyak.
Kita bisa bikin 3 cerita musikal, sehari dua kali perform. Untung-untung kalau punya koneksi bagus, kita bisa undang orang-orang 'berpengaruh' dari bidang manapun untuk menarik minat orang-orang.
Sejauh ini, bayangan konsep sebagai orang awam sih sebatas itu aja ya. Semoga sih dapet kesempatan untuk buat charity event betulan :)

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http://wp.me/p22wt2-5w aslik, ini prompt mana gaje. aku mohon ampun/?/ dulu sama MissC :^ lunas ya... ^^

piccadilly99’s Profile Photollintang
I LOVE YOU LINTANG, LURVE LURVE LURVE LURVE!!! ((send you virtual hard-wet-breathtaking-smooch)) seriously tho.. ugh, now i feel like i owe you one

kenapa ga bikin? kan hero banyak tuh yg bisa ngurusin

eeehh... heronya udah penuh jobdesk nya, banyak sih, tapi kan kerjaannya juga ._. aku bisa aja sih. Tapi kemarin aku bikin formspring, gak banyak juga yang nanya. Tapi mungkin nanti aku bikin deh, kalau udah liburan :D


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