
Lana P

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jinki pasti bakal jawab pig and cow ya?

piccadilly99’s Profile Photollintang
hahahah ini maksudnya buat pertanyaan "What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?" mungkin... xD

jinki pasti jawab pig and cow ya?

hahahah ini maksudnya buat pertanyaan "What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?" mungkin... xD

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Lo kuliah di Poltek UI ya? Kenal Ayu yg lagi ilang itu gak si?

yes, i do. and what's your problem?

lagu korea yang enak buat belajar apa kak? Yang bikin semangat gitu '-'

1. Supreme Team: Dang Dang Dang, I Just Need You
2. DJ DOC: Bounce With Me / Run To You
3. Miss A: I Don't Need A Man, Mama Im Good
4. BAP: Coffee Shop, No Mercy
5. BTS: Coffee,
6. DBSK: Mirotic
7. Infinite: Paradise, The Chaser, Special Girl, I Need You
8. U-Kiss: 0330
9. FT. Island: Love, Love, Love , Severely
10. C.N Blue: Can't Stop
11. Teen Top: Crazy, Be Ma Girl, To You, Angel
12. SNSD: Twinkle, Mr.Mr, Day by Day, Gee, Baby Maybe, Taxi
13. Big Bang: Tonight, Lalala, Fantastic Baby, Love Dust, Blue
14. Jay Park: Joah, I Like To Party, i got your Back
15. Wonder Girl: Like This, So Hot
16. 2PM: Put Your Hands Up, Only You
17. f(x): Chu, Rum Pum Pum, Airplane, Shadow, Sorry (dear daddy), Beautiful Goodbye, Goodbye Summer
18. 4Minute: Huh, Volume Up
19. Super Junior: Thank You, Reset, Sorry Sorry, It's You, Rokugo, Super Girl, Pajamas Party
20. SHINee: Colorful, Jojo, Hit Me, Dream Girl, Aside, Why So Serious, Replay, The SHINee World
21. After School: Bang
22. H.O.T: Warrior Descendant, Candy
22. Girls Day: Expectation
23. Leessang: Canvas Turn Off The TV
24. Epik High: Run, Wannabe, High Technology, Fan, Fly
25. IU: Friday, Red Shoes, You and I
25. 2NE1: Happy, I Don't Care, I Am The Best
26. S.M The Ballad: When I Was... When You Were
27. Kara: Lupin, Pandora, Mister
28. APink: No, No, No
29. T-Ara: Time To Love, Roly Poly
30. EXO: Baby, Let Out The Beast, Two Moons, Angel
wow, i'm having a hard time choosing the best, yet i give you so many *O* well, selamat belajar, semoga bisa jadi semangat!! ^O^

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Liked by: llintang

Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?

zoo!!! Gue suka sama bayi-bayi para pengunjung ((bukan))

What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?

bird and elephant, it's gonna be like... wooowww... finally hewan raksasa ini bisa terbang, and i can just rode elephant kemana aja, terus gak ada yang berani perotes, karena gue tinggal suruh gajah gue duduk di mukanya sampe gepeng. Dan pesawat menjadi useless, karena gajah bisa di sewa *O*

NO LAN I DON'T NEED ANY DOCTORS TO CURE ME! LET ME BE OVEDOSE! ALL I NEED IS EXO I DON'T MIND BEING OVERDOSE!! *overdose sm gilak emg beda tipis* eh btw kemaren lo jadi ikut sm audition sih? ternyata temen gue ada yg ikutan jg dia nyanyi hahaha

anisnovia’s Profile Photoannisa novia
FOR GOD SAKE, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN?! Lemme tell you, lo itu sebenernya not in the 'overdose' state tapi in 'normally insane' alias emang udah gilak xD. Gak jadi. Kampret! Kuotanya kepenuhan hahaha aing bat, gue gedek karna gak sempet ikutan. mendingan kalah di medan pertempuran dari pada gak sempet ikut perang kan T_T terus kata temen lo audisinya gimana?
Liked by: annisa novia

Kak, ditikung itu apa? Aku anak kecil yg gatau apa2, ga juga ding

ditikung itu kalau lo lagi ngantri di lampu merah, ada mobil dari kiri tahu-tahu belok ke kanan udah gitu klakson-klakson gatau diri. belom pernah aja dia disundul metromini sampe penyok

What angers you the most?

kereta kosong cuy, naiknya biasa aja dong MBA/PA/BU/NYAKBABE/NCING gak usah pake seradak-seruduk sikut sana sikut sini pake acara tekle teklean segala, lu kate lagi main bola
Liked by: annisa novia

Hoh yg pertama juga bernc ? Huhu musti sabar beberapa bulan lagi dong ya buat baca mulai part 1 nya :3

OnewJr’s Profile PhotoFirda
sebenernya protected bukan karena ada adegan yang -you-know-what tapi karena mild language dan explicit adegan, yang bikin pembaca panas dingin dan bisa membawa pengaruh buruk ke anak dibawah umur. terus aku jawab ini sambil ngakak gatau kenapa lol

What will you do if you mad at someone who had hurt you a lot but at the same time you feel so regret & guilty to be mad at them?

OnewJr’s Profile PhotoFirda
someone hurt me, i go mad, and then regret it? Well, i got it, tapi how can i feel guilty about it? did i do something that over the line when i'm upset and go mad? but well, it's simple. ask yourself first, does this problem light or not? but even if it's heavy just ask yourself 'will i let it pass?' despite the fact that y've done something wrong in return. If your heart say yes, then be the gentleman and apologize first. You can say "Hey, you've done something wrong, you hurt me, like a lot. And i was upset so i go mad at you, but i'm not that true either and i'm feeling guilty for hurting you in return so we're even. I'm sorry, and i forgive you." just be cool about it. if they can't accept it, why bother? They're the one who do the wrong first. Just give them time, or you can think that they're not a good person, are they?

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Liked by: Firda

kangen rumi gakkk? masaaa akuh kangen kamuh:( describe dan impersonate rumi dong lancihhh xixixixi

harumirumi’s Profile PhotoHarumi
idih diiihh si Rumi bisa banget ngibulnya hahahha, bilang aja pingin minta d+i gak usah dielus elus dulu guenya xD hahah *canda*
Harumi = Harum tapi rumpi deh *ini apa?!* bercanda ruumm hahaha... kecil, haduuhh kamu minta di uyel uyel banget siiihh. si bawel yang bantuin Lana waktu pusing nyuruh anak2 latihan pagelaran, sebenernya enak dipeluk, tapi kecil banget ciiihh jadi gemesh kekeke... suara masih cempreng?
"Lanci Lanci Lanci! mau cerita mau cerita!"
"yuk yuk yuk yuuukkkk!!"
"Dika!!! Babi anjir sumpah tai tai tai" ((terus guling2 di lantai *oh gak gitu juga deng xD*)
"LANCI UDAH NONTON?! GANTENG BANGET KAN? SUMPAH YA ALLAH! IBNU AJA BILANG GANTEENGGG!" (ini lupa deh waktu itu lagi ngomongin film apa ._.)
"Iya kan ya? Makanya! Ih bete banget pokoknya."
"Duit Rumi ilang lagi Lanaaaaa.. tadi kan ada di tas, cuma ditinggal pemanasan terus gak ada" (mewek sampe sesunggukan)
eh udah itu aja.. komputernya ngehang kekeke

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Liked by: Harumi

Mau jadi author di sf3si gimana sih caranya?

hhhh.. kamu baca di page Join Us atau Format FF ya saayy ^^

first 2 likers = 10 likes+follow?

eh sumpah gue gak ngerti sama yang ngasih ask ginian. Ini tuh semacem gimana sih? gue musti ngepost sesuatu yang nanti kalian like terus 2 liker pertama gue like balik gitu? apa gimana sih? anyone? please? yes yes call me udik, yang penting habis ini ngerti

If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

past, to my childhood days.


Language: English