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Ask @letsshiplarry

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Do you wish to be something little bit more?

As in, do I wish to achieve more and do greater things in life? I am quite ambitious but I came to peace with the fact that I cannot do everything straight away. Sometimes it's better to take things slow, just to make sure everything works out and that I actually want it.

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audiobooks or paper back books and why?

Both! I listen to audiobooks when I walk/commute/do chores etc., I read books if I have some spare time.

Something you really miss nowadays ?

Moi znajomi, rodzina, ojczyzna. Cieszę się, że mam czasami okazję porozmawiać z kimś w języku polskim.

is there anyone that you want back in your life?

Yeah, but it's someone that's definitely gone from my life so I don't even think about it no more.

Do you think someone likes you and if you know for a fact they do , do you like them back????


Can someone give me a valid reason why I should stay home? People worried about me catching/spreading it. If you don’t go out you won’t catch it, so why are people worried? It’s that simple. I seen 10+ police cars, ambulance vans, many people gathered to clap for the NHS today? Social distancing😅

I don't get you, where's the logic...?
Liked by: Fumi

Can you tell more about your close people and best friends?

I don't know what I should say; they know they're special to me. Only a few people that I actually share my private life with.
Liked by: a̷nett

When is the last time that you holded your nose because of bad smell?

Yesterday. It happens quite often though.

Do u work better under stress ?

It depends on a situation. I work best when I know someone has put their trust in me and doesn't question everything I do. :)
Liked by: Hrabia Woland

Ever wanted to say someone something but couldn't say it???

Sometimes it's impossible to find the right words.


Language: English