
Lexxeck Boveri

What is art to you?

Anything and everything.
Most people think of art as paintings and drawings, digital or traditional. But to me, art is everything from the chair you're sitting on to the speakers you blast music out of.
My view on art isn't based solely on creativity. It's also based on how beautifully all the mechanics and electronics work together in harmony to output something amazing.

Latest answers from Lexxeck Boveri

What is the most interesting invention?

It amazes me that an infrastructure exists that allows us to connect to each other via computer. We can share data, send pictures, even see each other in real-time via webcam. We can game together, share opinions, find groups that share our interests. So much info is at our fingertips. A simple Google search can teach us things we never knew about. More info exists online than in a thousand libraries.
The Internet can be a tool of destruction or a tool of great knowledge. Or simply a platform of fun. Just amazing.

Do you wear socks in bed?

I used to all the time but it got annoying trying to find them under my covers when they'd pop off in the night. Now I only wear them at my SO's place when he's got the AC blasting.

If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

How to use or repair a computer. The exact lessons would vary based on how much existing knowledge the person has.
I've given presentations on cleaning your computer of malware, put into basic terms so even those with zero familiarity with the topic could follow the steps and get their computer cleaned.
I'm the techie in my relationship, so I already give lessons on various computer specifics such as how to use 7zip, how to improve emulator performance, where to download programs, etc.
Teaching others about computers is a hobby of mine! And I'm always learning more myself and willing to take lessons as well.

Which fictional character would you date?

Sub Zero hnnnnnnnng ohlawd he's so buff and cute and his laugh in MKX when you select his character is to die for.
I almost never fangirl, but Subby Wubby is my jam. Please rip my spine out. Or just stab me in the eye with my own frozen guts. Just notice me please.

Are you a leader or a follower?

I am a follower until I see weak leadership, which is when I'll attempt to take the reins.
Group leader doing a butt job? I'll take over and help everyone get organized, whether it be a school project, a group outing, a roleplay group, or guild-type group.
If I see people struggling in a group that I'm in, I will do my best to help. Don't like that I'm taking over your group? Stop being ass and ignoring people when they clearly need help. You're not doing a good job if your group is struggling so let someone who knows what they're doing be of assistance. Just because you're a leader doesn't mean you're a good one, which can also go for me. I'll gladly hand over the reins if I'm doing a poor job leading!

What are you thankful for today?

I am thankful that I woke up to see another sunrise, to taste another chicken pot pie, to say good morning to my significant other.

What gadget are you addicted to?

My 9lb (give or take) laptop. It's huge, heavy, and a tank of a thing, but I carry it around as my child regardless.

How do you know when you're in love?

I think it depends on each person, but for me, it's the realization that if this becomes permanent, I will be 100% okay with that. If it doesn't become permanent, then I will be hurt but I will let go because I want this person to be happy, which they can't be if I just harass them and make them sad for my own selfish reasons.
For me, it's loving this person for who he is rather than what I want him to be. I am okay with his faults and mistakes, and I have made it my mission to support him and help him when he needs it.
For me, it's understanding that his faults may never change for what I feel may be the better, and being okay with that. I don't want to change him.
For me, it's a very personal, safe, warm feeling I get when I am around him that I share with no one else. We share a special type of connection. I feel 110% complete when he is near me, even when I felt 100% complete before him.

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If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

That buddy I mentioned in previous answers a year ago. He's much more than a buddy now, and has been for a while!

What is the last thing you watched on TV?

I just looked up and I'm not sure what's on tv, but it has Morgan Freeman in it. His voice is sweeter than the farts of God.

Language: English