
Lexxeck Boveri

Ask @lexxeck

What is the most interesting invention?

It amazes me that an infrastructure exists that allows us to connect to each other via computer. We can share data, send pictures, even see each other in real-time via webcam. We can game together, share opinions, find groups that share our interests. So much info is at our fingertips. A simple Google search can teach us things we never knew about. More info exists online than in a thousand libraries.
The Internet can be a tool of destruction or a tool of great knowledge. Or simply a platform of fun. Just amazing.

Do you wear socks in bed?

I used to all the time but it got annoying trying to find them under my covers when they'd pop off in the night. Now I only wear them at my SO's place when he's got the AC blasting.

If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

How to use or repair a computer. The exact lessons would vary based on how much existing knowledge the person has.
I've given presentations on cleaning your computer of malware, put into basic terms so even those with zero familiarity with the topic could follow the steps and get their computer cleaned.
I'm the techie in my relationship, so I already give lessons on various computer specifics such as how to use 7zip, how to improve emulator performance, where to download programs, etc.
Teaching others about computers is a hobby of mine! And I'm always learning more myself and willing to take lessons as well.

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Which fictional character would you date?

Sub Zero hnnnnnnnng ohlawd he's so buff and cute and his laugh in MKX when you select his character is to die for.
I almost never fangirl, but Subby Wubby is my jam. Please rip my spine out. Or just stab me in the eye with my own frozen guts. Just notice me please.

Are you a leader or a follower?

I am a follower until I see weak leadership, which is when I'll attempt to take the reins.
Group leader doing a butt job? I'll take over and help everyone get organized, whether it be a school project, a group outing, a roleplay group, or guild-type group.
If I see people struggling in a group that I'm in, I will do my best to help. Don't like that I'm taking over your group? Stop being ass and ignoring people when they clearly need help. You're not doing a good job if your group is struggling so let someone who knows what they're doing be of assistance. Just because you're a leader doesn't mean you're a good one, which can also go for me. I'll gladly hand over the reins if I'm doing a poor job leading!

What are you thankful for today?

I am thankful that I woke up to see another sunrise, to taste another chicken pot pie, to say good morning to my significant other.

What gadget are you addicted to?

My 9lb (give or take) laptop. It's huge, heavy, and a tank of a thing, but I carry it around as my child regardless.

How do you know when you're in love?

I think it depends on each person, but for me, it's the realization that if this becomes permanent, I will be 100% okay with that. If it doesn't become permanent, then I will be hurt but I will let go because I want this person to be happy, which they can't be if I just harass them and make them sad for my own selfish reasons.
For me, it's loving this person for who he is rather than what I want him to be. I am okay with his faults and mistakes, and I have made it my mission to support him and help him when he needs it.
For me, it's understanding that his faults may never change for what I feel may be the better, and being okay with that. I don't want to change him.
For me, it's a very personal, safe, warm feeling I get when I am around him that I share with no one else. We share a special type of connection. I feel 110% complete when he is near me, even when I felt 100% complete before him.

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If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

That buddy I mentioned in previous answers a year ago. He's much more than a buddy now, and has been for a while!

What is the last thing you watched on TV?

I just looked up and I'm not sure what's on tv, but it has Morgan Freeman in it. His voice is sweeter than the farts of God.

Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?

Personally I love to help others, but being that close to someone that I do not know while in an enclosed, moving space is just asking for trouble.

What do you do when the remote is too far?

Crank up the music and ignore the fact that the tv is even on.

What'd you do this weekend? PAP?

Went to see Magic Mike with my buddy, his friend and that friend's girlfriend Friday. And there was apparently another couple that must have known the girlfriend.
Then, on Saturday, I got sunburned at a pool party. My poor thighs. I doused myself in sunscreen over and over, but the damage was already done before I knew it.
Today (Sunday) I'm gonna hang with that buddy again and prolly get owned at Mortal Kombat X. That buddy has the fingers of Magic Mike...

What kind of music calms you down?

Metal, fast electronic, heavy bass.
This would normally energize folk, and it does me too to some degree. However, compared to calm musics like ambient, elevator, and other smooth, slow genres, they definitely allow me to relax. The calm genres instill a feeling of anxiety in me, but I'm not sure why.

Should we read a lot of books?

There's not a definite answer to this.
Should you? Not necessarily.
Before the age of education-by-law, many rural folk enjoyed a healthy, happy, fulfilling life without reading a single book. That shows that you do not /need/ to read books in order to find happiness, fulfillment, and a good life.
However, some individuals may derive happiness and satisfaction only by finishing a good book. They're the exception to the "do not need to" rule. As a result, there is no definite answer to this question. Saying yes or no would exclude one of the groups.

What is art to you?

Anything and everything.
Most people think of art as paintings and drawings, digital or traditional. But to me, art is everything from the chair you're sitting on to the speakers you blast music out of.
My view on art isn't based solely on creativity. It's also based on how beautifully all the mechanics and electronics work together in harmony to output something amazing.

Would you rather get a computer virus or the flu?

My health is stable enough that I could get the flu and not die. But God forbid I get a keylogger that logs my credit card information, or a piece of malware that bricks my $1300 machine.
Getting a computer virus could be incredibly detrimental, depending on the type and its abilities.

What talent do you wish you'd been born with?

Creative talent.
Everything I do, write, draw, think, etc. is based solely on logic and reasoning. Makes me a bit of a stick-in-the-mud.

What did you forget to do today?

I ain't even kidding. I've been hungry all day and meant to cook something up but kept forgetting to do it.

Post a picture of the best cartoon character ever!

I've had a crush on Dib ever since I first saw him as a 6 year old child. I almost died when I found a custom Don't Starve Together character of him. Willow never saw the light of day again.

Is there anything you can do today that you couldn't a year ago? What?

Get out of bed in the morning.
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
I stumbled into a bad place in my life over the past couple years. Everyone does at some point, so now it's my turn. Well, after balding my eyebrows and not wanting to get out of bed for reasons other than being a crappy teen, amongst other happenings, I decided I wanted help.
Getting help was the best thing I have ever done for myself.
You should never rely on medication. But mine most definitely helps stabilize me and make day-to-day living much, much easier. Every day, I gain little victories like cleaning myself up, going to the store, going to get gas for the Jeep. Just simple things that normally, people have no issues with.
Don't ever let someone tell you that people with real issues don't seek help. I told myself that and almost terminated my monthly visits to my psych, convinced I was fabricating lies because those with "real" issues like Schizos won't seek help, they have to be forced.
The first step to getting help is realizing that you have a problem. I realized something wasn't right with me and I wanted to fix it, I wanted to live normally.
Now I can. And you can too if you're also struggling. If you need someone to talk to, I am here. We can talk privately through deviantart, Facebook, you name it. If I don't have an account, I will sign up.
DeviantArt: lexxeck.deviantart.com
Facebook: facebook.com/senji.chiba

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How often do you use your brain?

More often than I care for.
Most people can enjoy peace when they're alone, right? Not I.
My brain is constantly working, and not always for the better. I obsess over things constantly: mistakes, things I should have done differently, things I should have said. Getting to sleep is a tough boss to conquer as a result. Sometimes, I'll lay in bed for hours, obsessing over events that happened 10 years ago.
But I'm not asking for sympathy nor complaining. A lot of good comes from an active brain as well.
I'm able to figure things out rather quickly. I can learn things with ease. I love a good challenging puzzle! It's why I love HTML and CSS so much. Beginner's level stuff, but it's challenging enough to engage my brain in a positive way.

why are u a Gross Furry

Because I like anthros.
As a small child, I always pretended to be a feral animal. As an adult, I've matured and transformed the ferals into anthros. It's just a part of my interests. However, I don't like identifying with the fandom. Too many creeps and overly-hyper, obnoxious people.

Do you trust people easily?

I pick up on vibes pretty quickly. If I don't get a bad vibe from you, I trust you. That trust is limited though, i.e. I won't suddenly want to meet up in real life with you. But I'll still call you my friend and talk to you every day about literally anything! ~<3

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

Sitting in the woods, resting my head on my buddy's shoulder. Just enjoying the silence, aside from the birds and bugs.
(my buddy is just that though, we ain't no thang~)

What makes you feel better when you are in a bad mood?

Lots of things. But recently... Danny Avidan/Sexbang's chirp-giggles.

Which websites do you visit every day?

DeviantArt, Facebook, Youtube.
My list of websites changes constantly as I find new sites to be enamored by. Second Life was one for 4 years. IMVU was a hit with me a month ago. I've played Howrse on and off for years. There's just so many, ask and see!

If you could be immortal, would you choose to be?

Absolutely not.
Most people know the pain caused by the death of a loved one, or to a lesser extent, a breakup. I do not want to have to go through those things for all eternity. My personality is one that could function and survive without partnership constantly, but we all need someone to love at some point. I don't want to have to watch every person I love die, or go through infinite breakups.

What would be a perfect job for you?

Building gaming PCs for customers.
I am such a nerd when it comes to computers. My knowledge at the moment is limited, but I'm super eager to learn more and I'm always open to tips and whatnot. I did, however, study Servers for 2 years. My focal point was deploying, managing, and maintaining Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012. My courses touched on Linux machines as well and earlier models of Windows Server.
My love though is handling brand new parts and installing them in their new home. I enjoyed nothing more than the simulations my courses provided on installing new hardware into a machine. If I could do that for a living, I surely would <3

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

A good friend of mine has told me that I'm an excellent listener. I have to be because I won't speak verbally! c:
Aside from that, I just love listening. I could listen to people vent for hours. I love helping others feel better, and if I can lend an ear, I surely will.

iPhone or Android?

I have what I like to call a "dumb phone." I recently just a couple months ago upgraded from a Samsung Intensity III to an LG Extravert 2. Yay touch screen finally! But no apps :c

How often do you change your hairstyle?

Like never.
I've had the same style, minus slight parting changes, since... I'd say 6th grade or earlier. I'm 20 at the time of this post. It's very casual but fitting, I believe. Doesn't look like something you'd slap on a 10 year old kid.

Do you prefer talking or texting?

I've always had problems with speaking verbally. Not speech impediment-wise, but anxiety-wise. Cliche cliche. However, I recently came to learn that I'm not just some kid whining about anxiety.
I have been informally diagnosed with Asperger's. What that means is my psych truly believes I do have this, but cannot declare it formal without knowing my family's history.
Something interestingly odd I do is when I'm hanging out with a friend (or cute boy :v), I won't speak verbally to them unless absolutely necessary. Instead, I'll take out my phone, even when sitting directly beside the person, and type out my thoughts then hand the phone over to the person.
Most of my verbal communication consists of giggles and other not-words.

What is the thing you hate the most?

Naturally, the bad seeds somehow seep to the top of any group. They're loud, obnoxious, and are heard. As a result, I try not to associate with large gatherings even if I share the same ideals. I'd rather work with the sane folk in silence instead of proclaiming my inclusion to anyone and everyone.
That's probably why the bad seeds get heard, because folk like I simply don't make ourselves the focal point. That's okay though, I don't have to say "I'm a furry" in order to draw anthro art. I can contribute just as much in silence.

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

My grades.
"Even C's get degrees!" - Solsty Resident, Second Life.
I have learned that Elementary School grades matter little to none, though you should still obtain as much information in your early years as possible. It'll make highschool easier. Highschool grades matter little to none. Community colleges, from my nooby experience, look at your ACT (this may be different in your area) scores specifically, not necessarily your individual grades. You got one F last semester? Big deal, just ace your ACT/SAT/whatever and you're golden! However, I am positive GPA plays some role in the better colleges.
Plan on going to a community college? Meh, highschool grades matter little to none. Plan on going to Harvard? Might wanna keep a 4.0.

Language: English