

Ask @lhselton

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What if you don't realize that someone has a one-sided love on you already?

If someone really has a one-sided love on me (which is quite impossible), I'll accept it. But I'll tell her that staying as good friends would be a better choice for now.
At this age, I believe friendships will last longer than r/s. I do not want to hurt another soul anymore...
Treat the person that you like as a source of motivation to be a better person. That's what I'm doing now...

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Describe :)

Matthew is one of my BEST friends. :)
First met you in WGPS, in class 2E. You are the the one who always top the class. HAHAHAHA. A* for every subject - no problem for you xD
Managed to stay in the same class till P6. Remembering the times where we will run to the basketball court during recess... ah those memories :,)
Only 4 WGPS students went to HCI :( (thus starting to lose contact with some of my primary sch friends haiz) In High school, although we went to different classes, we continue to meet daily in school. (Really thank your dad for the morning car trips :)) Coincidentally, both of us are in the same CCA as well, NPCC, together with Yun Zheng! :)
Moving to our JC life, out of so many PCME classes, we are surprisingly allocated to the same class, 15S6F! 我只能说, 这是缘分...
You are still the cheerful guy that I used to know, just that you've started to game more? 有时候还会一点幼稚, 但是保持童年的纯真也不错? XD
9 years has passed unknowingly...回忆起那些时光, 只让我感到十分欣慰能够交到你那么棒的朋友。It is really not easy to find a friend who will accompany you through your whole education journey :) Let's celebrate our 10 years of friendship by doing well in our A Levels. Jiayou! :)
I would really want all the students to cherish your friendships forged in school. Cause when you enter worklife, the chances of meeting them will only decrease. So DO NOT LEAVE ANY REGRETS! Say thank you to those friends who've brightened your life :,)
(Sry I was listening to 细水长流 while writing this reply, so all those feels...)
[Photo taken when both of us are in P4]

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It's Saturday! What are you doing today?

Xinyao singing competition! :) It was not easy because both of us had sore throat like a few days b4 the competition and we are really worried. But we managed to pull through and enter the finals. Really thankful for the support from my classmates. It really meant a lot to us.
Special thanks to Wanyun for being my duet partner. Her throat has been in pain for the past week :( but she continued with the practices. We could have just said "I give up", but we didn't. Please rest your throat and gws!
The past 2 weeks has not been easy... 1 more week to the Finals, let's give it our all! :)

Chek Lin is love, Chek Lin is life

Everyone knows this
Music is my love, music is my life :)
Rearranging both equations:
Chek Lin is love/life - eqn1 (from anon)
Music is love/life - eqn2
Sub eqn1 into eqn2
Chek Lin = Music (N.A.)
- error404
Therefore, your statement is invalid. tyvm

describe chek lin

A girl who smiles a lot. She’s really nice and friendly :)
She left a deep impression on me cause we were paired up to dance sodache on Day 1 of orientation, which was also my birthday. XD She’s the 开心果 of the OG and socializes well with everyone. (:
Kinda miss all the outings and fun we had together as an OG. Fortunately, she’s still active in our OG gatherings and I do hope we will have more to come in the holidays. We won’t get to see each other often in sch, but maybe we can try to talk or say hi when we see each other? HAHA Let's keep in close contact! :)

Describe your Sec4 class!

Will describe some :)
Yi Heng: Matthew's 老婆 (or 老公 idk HAHAHA) Has lots of swag too :)
Joseph: Shuai, T&F Captain, girls' ec ;)
Elmer: Stop dressing werildly during Teachers Day HAHAHA. Gifted in music, and always has lots of sarcasm when he speaks to people HAHAHA
Samuel Lu: A friend who I really trust. A good buddy to talk to him when I'm feeling down - he's a great listener and can give good advice :) Pokemon lover, NPCC Bro, will always be good bros
Justin Ho: 帅黑牛. Waterpolo beast. Hope we could have been more closer though
Zen: Best chairman the class could ever ask for. Responsible, smart, and his drawings are REALLY GOOD!
Cheng Seong: KPOP! :) Damn smart especially in Math and Sciences. One of the few friends who stays in the same fac as me. See you during FO and Fac CIP!!
The Joel's'/Eldon/Kyle/Ryan: Bball for life man!! :) Really miss the times we play basketball during recess...Unfortunately we are in different facs :( But hope we continue to meetup to play bball! XD
Xavier: Deskmates. Wakes me up without fail when I sleep in lessons HAHAHAHAHA. G8 friend to have :)
Yun Zheng: Childhood friend since P2. Really fortunate to be in the same class with him for 8 straight years in 2 different schools. :) Although the "same class"streak has been broken this yr, we will still be really close friends :)
Shuyi: Only guy in 4O2 who continues the learning journey with me in 15S6F. NPCC Bro! He can be really funny at times, and doesn't fail to irritate Ms Yeo (he's trying his best not to do that anymore I know HAHAHAHA)
4o2 has been a mixture of many students of different personalities. Although we are not really bonded as a class, we've forged wonderful memories together. :,)
I'm also really grateful for all the teachers who have guided us though this learning journey. Things are really different in JC and people change in this new environment. Sometimes, I really don't know if co-ed has benefitted us?
Maybe, it takes time for all of us to adapt...
Let's meet up during the comimg holidays! I don't want this friendship to fade away. THANK YOU 4O2!!! :,))
"毕业后, 我们都带着灿烂的笑容迎接新的每一天。的确,长大后的我们, 回顾从前的时候, 往往都会带着欣慰的笑容。因为, 我们都长大了。。。"
- 《毕业之歌》李泓伸

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The long queue was worth it. It is only when you see it for yourself, you will then reflect about all the things he have done for Singapore... Almost teared... #rememberinglky
Liked by: JEFF Si Ling

Music interests?

Music related activities
- Singing <3
- Songwriting
- Song arranging
Music instruments
- Piano
- Guitar
- Drums
(Hope to learn the violin though xD)
Music genre
- Favourite is Ballad :)
- Cpop, Kpop, English pop
Dancing (Ballroom dancing) :)
And the list continues...xD
Liked by: Mikan Si Ling

Describe Eldon!

4o2, Bball pro - undefendable hook shots XD Really glad we still play bball tgt after lessons in JC. :)
Liked by: Ryan Ng

Post a video of you and Wanyun singing!

Nah. If you really want to hear both of us sing, come to JJC for the next 3 Saturday mornings. Both of us will be singing together for a competition.
Liked by: MLJL Samuel Lu

you talk so much in chinese... have you forgotten english?

AHAHAHAHAHAHA XD Sorry anon if my Singaporean Chinese disturbed you. Cus I communicate with my parents in Chinese, so I'm more fluent in Chinese than English... I'll try to speak more English ok? (:
Liked by: Low Mitzi Ashley.

describe me!!

Samuel Ang
Super cool friend. (wear shades while skyping) HAHAHAHAHA. Don't really know him in High Sch but in 6F, he's a really nice guy. Potential CT Rep as well!
Hoping that we can be good CT mates for the next 2 years :)
Liked by: Yilin Samuel Ang

Who is your biggest mentor?

Liked by: Elton Ching MLJL

elton senpai how to do math pl0x

anon, where's the chance? 我心有余而力不足 Look for Xinkai or Samuel pls XD
Liked by: Yilin

Elton I help you answer!! We can truly love our parents what so that makes at least two :))

(Y) Good job anon. un-anon urself pls HAHAHAHA :)
Liked by: Jun Wei Yilin

Did u went to support hwa chong institution npcc campcraft competition today? Im in fd too n haha such a coincidence im in npcc too...

Nope ): But I got to know that my school did quite well in this yr's competition :)
Liked by: Hi Maverick

Do you have a crush? (:

There's nothing wrong to have a crush... It's a natural feeling as a human. Yes indeed I have 1, but maybe I'll prefer to be friends...
Liked by: Yen。 RUTH ✌

Anyone from Sing A Nation made a huge impact in your life?

Yes. Michelle, Ying Han and Yenee (Apart from Xplosions). 3 great friends who has changed my life and changed my introvert and shy personality. (:
Liked by: Yen。 mich

Post a picture of you wearing your favorite pair of sunglasses.

i guess i'm not cool enough for you

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

I need to be more productive (but it never happens...)
Liked by: Yilin

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

Family is the most important thing in the world.
Liked by: Yilin

Describe yellow .

Yellow is the colour of gold, butter, and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, and in the traditional colour wheel used by painters, yellow is found between green and orange. It is a primary colour in subtractive colour.
According to surveys in Europe and the United States, yellow is the color people most often associate with amusement, optimism, gentleness, and spontaneity, but also with duplicity, envy, jealousy and avarice. It plays an important role in Asian culture, particularly in China, where it is seen as the colour of happiness, glory, wisdom, harmony and culture.
Hope this helps you to understand yellow better HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Liked by: Low Mitzi


Language: English