
kayla cayode

Ask @lilprincesskayla

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How do you feel about your significant other telling your relationship problems to their family?

antisocialmermaid12103’s Profile Photoantisocialmermaid
Because I’ve Done ✅ This Before To My Ex Boyfriend And I Know How He Felt About It, I’d Say It Doesn’t Feel Good For Anyone In The Relationship To Tell Their Family Their Relationship Problems. So, When I Get A New Boyfriend, I’m Not Going To Tell My Family Our Relationship Problems At All.

What if I came up to you and just kissed you, would you call the cops on me

Wait, It Depends. If Your A Girl Then Of Course I Will Call The Cops On You, But If You’re A Guy That’s My Stalker Then No I Won’t Call The Cops On You. 😂😂

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Do you intuitively believe your soul mate lives close to you or lives in the same state as you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
“I intuitively believe my soulmate lives near me and he knows who he is.”💯

You’re either scared of love. Or scared that I might hurt you and make you want to do evil things.

You might be right, but it won’t happen if I don’t know you in real life.😂😂😂

What matters to you more about a woman, her looks and body type? Or her personality?

gothic_peach33’s Profile PhotoSummer
“Everything about a woman I think is very pretty or beautiful matters to me more. But don’t get it twisted, I’m not lesbian. I just like to hype other woman up and boost their self-esteem and confidence because I’m just that kind of person. I love ❤️ to uplift woman or guys I find very pretty or beautiful or cute or handsome.”💯

Do you ever sit and wonder why someone just can’t seem to give you the same amount of attention and/or love as much as you tend to give them? In a situation like that, what’s your solution or what action do you take?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I Would Move On Because I’m Not Gonna Waste My Time On Someone Who I Have To Beg To Show Me Attention Or Love & Affection. Now, If They Do Still Want To Be With Me, Then We’d Have To Fix Things And Work Things Out On Showing Each Other The Same Amount Of Attention, Love & Affection.

I wanna call you every day just to hear your voice even if it’s just to hear you say hello

Umm… Who’s This? I Don’t Even Know You?

I forgot that I was 7 months pregnant and I drank a full bottle of alcohol. Is my baby gonna be ok?

Girlllll, You Should Go To The Hospital!

What's your favorite dessert?

“My Favorite Desserts Is Dulce De Leche Ice-Cream By Häagen-Dazs, Or Coffee Almond Toffee Crunch Ice-Cream Bars By Häagen-Dazs, Or Double Chocolate Brownie Ice-Cream By SunnySide Farms, Or Oreo Frozen Ice-Cream Sandwiches By Oreo, Or TollHouse Mini Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches Ice-Cream.”💯

What was your favorite grade in School

“2nd Grade Was My Favorite Grade In School Because I Had True Friends That Would Want To Hang Out With Me After School.”💯 #ifykyk

Do you believe in love?

“Yes, I Do Believe In Love. I Also Do Believe Love Is The Most Beautiful Feeling That Anyone Could Feel.”💯

If you could travel to any country in the world where would you go ?

“Italy Would Be The Country I Would Go To Because Italy Is So So Very Beautiful And They Have Really Good Delicious Food.”💯

We didn’t trust each other. But the more I get hurt now, the more I realize how good I had it with you

“What are you talking about?, I Don’t Know 🤷‍♀️ You? Who Are You? What’s Your Name So I Know If We Were Together.”💯

Have you ever lost someone as a friend because they just didn’t understand you and didn’t care to take their time to understand you either?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I Think I Have.

Do you like to eat out or cook at home?

“I Love ❤️ To Eat Out But DoorDashed To My Apartment.”💯

Vanilla or chocolate

meekmeeple87958’s Profile PhotoMeek Meeple
“I Love ❤️ Both Vanilla & Chocolate In Cupcakes 🧁, Cakes 🍰, Ice-Cream🍨, And Candy 🍫. But If We’re Talking About Men, I Like Vanilla Men.”💯

Do you believe in love at first sight? 👀

“Yes, I Do Believe In Love At First Sight, I Actually Do Believe There Are Couples Out There In This World That Truly Do Find True Love And Love At First Sight.”💯

How do you know when someone is serious about you ?

“I Would Know If Someone Is Serious About Me By The Way They Look At Me, Treat Me, Protect Me, And They’re Honest With Me And Take Care Of Me.”💯

Where do you see yourself in 6 months?

“Maybe Passing My Driving Behind The Wheel Test And Getting My Driver’s License And Finally Driving In My Own Car I Bought Myself.”💯

Elon musk changed twitter logo to a stupid X instead of the cute blue bird. I am so sad right now. 💔🤦🏻‍♀️😫

“No, For Real. I Was Kind Of Like Umm.. They Changed Twitter To X, Like Twitter Looked Way Better The Way It Was Before With The White And Blue Logo With The Blue Or White Bird On It.”💯

Love or money??? No cheating, perfect wife/husband relationship or 5 billion dollars?

“I Would Say Love Over Money And Perfect Wife/Husband Over 5 Billion Dollars.”💯

Texting or calling?

“I Would Prefer Calling So I Can Hear The Person I’m Talking To Voice But Texting Is Also Good For As A BackUp.”💯

Is it hard for you to make good friends as an adult?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
“Yes It Is Hard For Me To Make Good Friends As An Adult Now Because This Generation Is Different Than Back When I Was In 2nd Grade, I Actually Had Real Friends That Were Good Friends To Me.”💯


Language: English