
Louis Padilla

Latest answers from Louis Padilla

What do u look like right now

Me at work that's how I look right now not only that and I'm hating that I haven't had time enough to shave ?lol

What is the main reason for you to refuse a date?

If I know me and the girl doesn't have anything in common

My girlfriend and I are waiting for marriage, buy she is still sleeping with her ex a few nights per week. Should I ask that she stop or wait until we are married to tell her I want us to be exclusive?

Be honest I think it's highly uncalled for that she's doing that the only person who she should be sleeping with is you

What are some small things that make you happy?✨

Be honest playing guitar always makes me happy I'm falling thing what keeps me going I have no girlfriend I'm single so that's the only thing what keeps me down is playing guitar that makes me happy at least until I get a girlfriend and it still will make me happy in a way

Language: English