
Wanizhah Zahra

Ask @lovestruck16

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Would you support your kid if they came out as LGBT? Would the specific Identity change that support? If they came out as gay/lesbian, vs bi, vs/and trans?

Ofc I would!! :) #pride 🌈

I think I may have met someone new who might actually treat me nice

Is it me?
As we lay… down tonight… I see you.. in my dreams… cause you are the reason… I smile.. so gleefully:). 💗

I really like you and I’m sad we didn’t workout together like really sad and I know you don’t care and probably think I’m lame and that makes it hurt more

Babe… it’s you. :) I… love you. 💗

Share a quote that motivates you 🌟

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” - E. R.

You have sensual, arousing and provocative beauties that remind you of heaven. Why do you hide these beauties from us? Why don't you share these beauties with us openly? 😵‍ 😱 🚀 🦋 🐚 🔥 🍒 🍑

Uhhhhh I already have?

What do you do when your in love with someone and can’t necessarily express it?

Try to talk to them.. be open and honest about your feelings.. if you don’t ever express them, how will they know how you feel?

Wassup gorgeous you been off this app for a while I missed you. You been doing ok?

Yes, I took a little break. I’ve been good, and you? :)

Are you currently thinking about someone specific that you would like to have a conversation with?

Hah if only

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