
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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dulu sma mana?

labschool kebayoran. best times though. nanti kalo punya adik ato anak masukin situ ya biar asik.

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If you could steal something and get away with it, what would you steal?

another person's consistency in staying the exact same person for the next couple of years (i have change issues)

judul skripsi kamu apaa?

belum tau haha. tp berpikir utk ngebahas topik konservasi bangunan di daerah Dago. maybe Drie Locomotive.

kapan balik bdg? hehe

uni's back on track tgl 25 jan. til then keanya disini terus kecuali bbrp tanggal krn mesti bolak balik ke bandung ngurus skripsi.

Have you ever loved someone you have not met?

I barely have loved any all my life. Love is difficult and I have no idea what it will bring to my doorstep if I ever get to feel it someday.

How can you tell a good person from a bad one?

I was gonna go with their zodiac but I'm gonna go with their intentions instead
Here ya go just in case
(read: I don't use zodiacs for future predictions I just use them for fun and only fun. and maybe understanding people in their own terms in the best way I can endure)
It's all in the intentions I guess. Motives can tell a lot about a person.
How can you tell a good person from a bad one

What is art to you?

It is literally the greatest tool. Probably in the whole universe of badlands. It is truly, a very great exit.

What do you do when you’re angry?

I tend to throw myself to certain medias (excluding people because they aren't permanent). Such as: my writing blog, my sketchbook, social media, etc. I thank the lord for venting mediums.
Here's one of my recent golden tantrums:
What do you do when youre angry
Liked by: Raden Dimas

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

it means she's plotting an uneventful and deadly scheme on you boi run

Do you believe in karma?

I do. The universe will literally throw back at you the things you give them.
That is exactly, exactly, why you should always be kind. Even if you think it won't make any significant change. Always treat your surroundings the way you want to be treated.

kalo koi udah make sih. lagi pengen nyoba merek lain hehehe. thanks for ur info ya :)

Hmm yg lain coba2 aja sih, gue sendiri always stick sm ikea itu warnanya soft heheu.

baru tau tau ada cat air merek ikea, itu dijual di ikea gitu atau emang nama merek? sorry for too much asking ^^

it's ok, dijual kok di ikea, tapi terakhir gue kesana udh nggak ada... coba merek Koi deh. Kecil dan praktis, walaupun warnanya rada padet gt tp bisa diolah.

biasa pake finishing cat air ya ka? biasa pake merek apa kalo boleh tau?

hmm iya mayoritas cat air sih. kadang juga pake finecolor ato digital.
cat air gue pake ikea sih; i bought it years ago dan ga abis2. some good stuff
Liked by: pache

How well can you cook?

well enough to drown in one
in like, a well
get it
fuck yes hello good morning

ceritain perjuangan masuk unpar nya dong ka. denger2 ceritanya lucu

hahaha cerita gue gak lucu sama sekali sih.
jadi (likely) gue wkt itu nyoba pmdk, was really confident tp ujung2nya ga keterima dan cuman diterima 1 dari sekolah gue (which was my boyfriend at the moment). lucu galucu gt i suppose. was really bummed and i didnt know how to respond to life at that point.
trs gue denger2 usm ars unpar susahnya gila jd yaudah makin ngeri aja sih wkt itu gue. sampe google tips and tricksnya dst. akhirnya gue nemuin puslat mekar, dmn anak2 himpunan arsi unpar ngajarin gambar arsitektural. i went in, dan secara lesnya di bandung (di kawasan unpar) gue sering muncuk pake seragam sma. it was really weird and uncomfortable.
yaudah seselesainya ikut bbrp minggu, gue akhirnya ikut usm1 dan alhamdulillah keterima.
gimana? super ga berbumbu dan debuan kan ceritanya.
Liked by: boc

Iphone or Sony? According to you, Which one is recommended ? Alasannya? :)

I think I would go with iPhone considering the fact that I own one and I've never used or looked up a Sony.... I guess I'm in it for the design?

liburannya ngapain aja neeh?

this holiday blows for the most part. ga kemana2 dan ngapa2in (selain ngurus berkas2 tugas akhir jd bolak balik bandung).
other than that bbrp minggu lalu sempet ke Balikpapan nemenin bokap kerja. sekalian liat2 dan nyari suasana lain dlm waktu singkat. also, i met old friends and all those jazz.

judul TA-nya itu milih sendiri atau rekomen dari dosen?

milih sendiri.
sistem TAnya di ars unpar itu dikasih kawasan dulu (urban/suburban/city center), abis itu dikasih tapak, nah abis itu tergantung analisa tapak dan kawasan kita utk nentuin fungsi apa yang rasanya paling sesuai buat kita secara individu.

kalo mandi pagi di bdg gmn rasanya? ^^

kayak ketimpa stalaktit trs gabisa gerak trs keburu leleh trs dilumurin segumpalan air yang kelewat dingin.
makanya ya, pasang water heater secepatnya. saya tau rasanya gak ada itu.

mau kenalan tp gmn ya caranya :( sepertinya kita bisa saling berpartner untuk kedepannya hehe

uhh simply type in your name i guess

mau barter kerjaan :( hehe aku kurang rapih nih kalo buat maket, terus kalo km ada kerjaan modelling-render bolehlah lempar kemari

sure thing! tapi susah yha kalo i dont know your identity....? heheu


Language: English