

Latest answers from Alexandra

If your boyfriend gets mad and hits you does that mean he doesn't really love you?

anonnko’s Profile Photoanonnko
A real man respects his woman. Honestly the guy is just a little boy.

If you were handed 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?

Give it to someone who really needs it more than me. Besides I don’t need useless paper that later on in the future won’t be needed for food, water, basically the stuff that a non-city slicker wants or thinks they need.
I honestly believe that we need to care more about the planet/ Mother Earth. Instead of other useless items.

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Can money buy you happiness ?

No. Money NEVER BUYS YOU HAPPINESS. It’s because money is just useless paper.

Do you forgive or take revenge?

For me it’s a 50/50.
Mainly depends on the person, and what they did. But as a Scorpio no matter what I’m the boss.

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