
Janessa French

Ask @mrslouistomlin6

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What would cause you to stop using askfm?

Easy! All the gross questions on here, I left for like 6 months cuz that’s all I was getting.

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Do you fight for your friendships or are you quick to cut people off?

No, if someone causes unnecessary drama, they get kicked out of my life. Idc, I’m too young to be stressed about someone playing Rock Paper Scissors with whoever’s bf. 😂

Do you have a song that you like but you’re embarrassed to listen to? Mine is “So this is love”. 🙈

Little Things by One Direction. It’s a bop tho, so I’m not embarrassed about it lmaaaooo

Why do some people think askfm is a dating application? I always thought askfm was used for asking and answering questions?

I thought so to, but then it got ahold by inappropriate users

😇 do you believe in God for me yes

Not for me. I do believe in a higher power, but I don’t think it’s anything that books have told us tbh

Do you believe in god because he is coming

I don’t because you only know his sons name not the god you supposedly worship.

Have you ever thought about how you might not like how you look because you're just not your type?

This is a fantastic question because I did think about this at one point! Like I see why people get so frustrated when they are with me, whether it be in a friendship or a relationship, but I am a very complex human being that I genuinely won’t even give anyone a second to understand why I am the way I am cuz of trauma, and I can’t help but laugh because if I had to date me, ohhh boy that would be a very intense experience. At the same time tho I am the only one who knows me, so I could make it work because I know what hits me in the happy & what hits me in the sad.

My ex Adam keeps calling and texting me. I answer bc I don’t wanna be rude. What is his deal?

Send him the Adam stop vine

When is it time to go to the doctor with a sore throat? I have brushed teeth more gargled rested drank fluids nothings working here

Do you run your ac a lot?

How many sunglasses do you have

None, I have owned few in the past, but I genuinely hate having glasses on my face. It’s a sensory thing

Girls can you f*cking explain why tf when good looking guys stares at you it’s cute but when it is a fugly guy it’s creepy? Wtf is your problem?😠😳🙄

It’s not about what the person looks like, it’s about whether or not they are being extremely inappropriate, and they don’t take no for an answer. It’s those kinds that we find creepy because 9x/10 they end up being stalkers, and it’s getting out of hand atp. A 17 year old recently was killed due to a man overstepping his boundaries, and he didn’t take no for an answer, he was like 28 or something. Stop assuming it’s looks cuz we genuinely don’t care about what a guy looks like, we care if we are safe with them or not. HUGE difference.

How to stand out to a guy? She’s used to model in Atlanta.. there’s no way I can compete with that.. I see why he likes her

If you have to compete for a man’s attention, it’s not worth it. Go find you someone that is gonna compete for your hand, instead.

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Has anyone ever called you fat

Yup, when I only weighed as much as a toddler at the time, and their reason was “because I didn’t have a thigh gap”, it made my disorder much worse, and then my parents took me aside, and they told me that I had to eat or I was gonna die, and I still didn’t listen. It wasn’t until a month after when I finally decided to heal my body. It did teach me not to listen to what others have to say about my body, unless it was a medical professional.

Do you like Yahtzee?

I only have played once when I was like 8, so idk if I even like it lmaaaooo it was so long ago

Why did u just drive passed me? I seen you. I knew it was u. 😮‍💨

Funny thing is I haven’t been out once today, I have spent the last 3-4 days home lmaaaooo

My moms having a baby at 43 and I’m 25, I feel upset about this?? Why so late??

Mom’s go through a lot raising kids to make sure they can survive on their own, but at the same time you become their little sidekick in everything. Once you’re all out of the house, they get lonely, if they decide to have kids while they’re still able to, you shouldn’t get mad about it. Now, you get to help her, and on top of that you get a little sidekick as well! Trust me, those babies that are born to older parents, they’re really awesome, and your views will change once you watch them grow. I know when I first met my baby brother, I was very, not angry, just confused on why they would have chosen to have one so late, and I did end up having a long talk with them just to clear things up, and this is how they explained it to me, and they were absolutely right! He is now one of my best friends, and I know that life wouldn’t really be life without him

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Do you have anything planned for sunday

Yup, I’ve got a ton of work to do! I’m not gonna be on much due to it

Is 36 too old to be single, still plan to get married and have kids?

You can get into a relationship at any age, but if you wanna work on yourself first, then that’s perfectly okay it your life!

Is it kind of an insult if your elderly aunt who has no filter calls you cute little pig?

If you already aren’t happy with your body, yes, it can be, but if you aren’t insecure about your weight, then no.

I use to think I was being misunderstood. Now, I think I just dot know hw to express my true feelings well enough... Taking responsibility for yourself is key to change for the better.

100% you are in charge of every decision you make in your life, learning from your mistakes is the best way to grow as a person.
Liked by: grey gray

Have you ever been in love with someone you could never be with ?(religion differences) however I respect the religion, If so how do you overcome it when you love that person so much

I fell in love with someone who was obsessed with Christianity, and for a minute I tried to get into it, just to see why he was so majorly into it, and I just couldn’t get into it with how many questions I had about it, and how many people weaponized it, I just couldn’t get into it. He still loved me afterwards, and I respect his religious beliefs, so I guess it’s possible to get through that, but not as many people get lucky to have someone who will set aside their beliefs for others, so ig it depends on the person.
Liked by: Cactlygreen

My b/f is about to turn 25 so I told him that he’s too old to have long hair, so he cut it! Lol. Should I dump him now?

It’s his body, let him do what he wants with it.

Do you like taking pictures of yourself everyday?

Nope, I absolutely hate it. It’s not that I’m insecure about it, I just hate having to deal with the flashes tbh.

Do you have your daughter?

I don’t have any kids. Never have had kids before in my life, idk why this is the assumption, as of lately, but I’m only a parent to dogs. That’s it!


Sorry about the last answer, the app has been buggy lately & switched questions, anyways, I’m guessing you’re a millennial for this one amirite?

Celebrity crush?

I’m not putting it out there cuz people will get weird. Same response, my phone keeps switching questions, so if anyone was confused on my last response it was supposed to be the answer to this one

Is it smart to put someone elses happiness before yours

Not always cuz most people will use that to control you.

Would you open your home to a stranger to use your restroom

As long as I’m in the house, then yeah I would. If I’m not there, obviously then no because I wouldn’t be able to unlock the doors for them

Do you cook for your mother?

Adrian Sandri
Not very often tbh, she’s very picky about what she likes, so if I do make her something it’s whatever she asks for.

How old are you and what’s the oldest you would date

23, I do turn 24 next month, so my age limit on how old I date goes up to 34

Your boring

See, I keep telling people this, but they still get super invested in what I’m doing at all times lol


Language: English