

Ask @nchikkala

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Ey. answer all those questions!

Abhhaa... tbh I don't wanna go back go all those. Start Over silly. :pp

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What does he even mean by hand to hand. Best friends it seems. Sucha despo.asking questions to himself and answering wow. Lol such jealous he is, don't be a hero in front of that girl. Lmao, studying in a shit college and talking like a Dousche. And his filth. God I think no one taught him to talk.

wow. he even admitted it ra. such a dumb fuck.. haha I know I saw his response and I'm like wondering if this is even English.

What are your favorite beverages?

Virginia... with a shot of vodka
I have a coffee addiction. Coke & Pepsi.
Peach Snapple <33
Starbucks frapps, lattes, and all that..!

Oh my gosh, why don't you say something dear. Stupid guy talks so much nonsense I see.

Lmaooo. It's k, I'm better than that. As far as I know, I haven't done anything wrong.. it's not my fault that I was patient. I may have said a few hurtful things.. but nothing as hurtful as what was said. He said he is a true friend.. LOL.
Overall I really don't care. You can expect me to give a fuck especially when you start demanding me to live a certain way and criticize my life.

Common re. What he does for enemies or friends , doesn't his words prove worth crap about his talks. Well ,wild animals? Are his senses working? Can he even fuxking see or read what we type? I didn't know that wild animals could type and use mobiles wow.! Such doofas.! And yea why you being patient?

I'm surprised. Lmao. Not only is it RIP English, but RIP Reading as well. Yeah ra, its 21st century I bet even fools now a days use phones and talk whatever crap comes to their mouths. Why am i being patient? Actually, its more like i don't want to drop down to such a level. I can talk, this guy doesn't know what i can say when i want to say something. Talking about self respect, i hope he knows what self respect is.. cause judging peoples lives, expecting unnecessary crap and getting into what he doesn't have to give a fuck about aint self respect, its sheer nonsense.

Well I forgot about grammar. Wish the guy who found out grammar stays in peace.

Lmao. .. he would wanna kill him self if he saw that

Well dude , a dousche is a guy who doesn't know what English is and doesn't know how to use punctuation and doesn't know how to frame questions . I can't really explain punctuation . Please use dictionary, it comes in handy. RIP ENGLISH.! :p

LMAO. umm wow you would also be a very good teacher! ;) but yea may it RIP

Hahahahahahahahha.. Mahesh gowda lmao.. He talks as if he is Barack Obama or David beckham ra.. It's so funny .. He doesn't know how to frame a sentence .. Does he understand what you want to say or what I am saying ? Is he so wasted that he has problem if I talk to you on ur wall? Such a dousche.

lol I just think he needs to take time to think before he speaks. simply put

u think. first im asking some thing but u talking something.

I have no idea what your talking about . why do you freak out when someone says your name? you put yourself out there

its yours. if he wanna talk about me. he can ask me question straightly. like a coward he is asking u with mentioning my name)))))

have you gone mad? your profile has your name on it. think for a minute

how dare you to mention my name there. if u wanna question ask me in my profile. i will give u an answer.dont be a hero infront of a girl.ask me question.i will clarify your doubts .in the way of clarifying doubts to guys.my profile name. mahesh gowda

are you mental?
look at what on earth you're saying

you are young. be good. haha.. I tell u nice way but u don't listen..

Damn you're a life saverrrrr!

What's the longest you've waited in line and what were you waiting for?

From 2 am to 5 am.
black Friday

Would you dump a guy you with for someone better?

Umm.. no. I believe in commitment.. it would take serious issues for me to. let go of someone. disliking someone cause they aren't perfect is stupid. obviously I was with that guy to begin with cause I liked something about him

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

Road off of a 450 ft tall hill on a bike when I was 7 at midnight

How do you know when you're in love?

From what I've heard, you feel it. You'll Know the right person is there when you meet and as time goes by... everything seems to fit perfectly into place

Would you rather be able to visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future.

future. past is past..


Language: English