

Ask @nchikkala

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Betaaa! Watch the Draw my life story. I think you'll find it interesting.

I saw! Omg she has known him since 12th grade and they got married and im just here like :OOOOO
Liked by: Madhu

What is a lesson you have learned?

Dont give up on anything without trying to fix it first. Most of the time chances are, it can be fixed.
Liked by: Madhu

When the electricity goes out in your home, what’s the first thing you miss?

I wished the electricity went out at least once !

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

Love happens in the most expected times. what is planned is not love, clinging onto something we can live without is not love. it's nonsense

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

hair. .. hair makes or breaks you

Bless your soul, your heart is pure. I can say now that your future guy will love you with all his heart because he has a wonderful girl like you. Don't let anyone down, I know you won't but dear you are wonderful. Keep smiling! It's beautiful.

ummm.. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Thank you.
But who are you?

Baby I don't understand.... One day your sad and next day your happy....! Explain this dilemma!?!?!

LMAO. What the fck? Dude get a life.

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

Around people when I like those people. Or Else, I need to be left alone when I'm down so that I can clear my head.

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

Yes. I hey mad, I cry, I yell, but being happy keeps me sane. plus it keeps those around me happy.

What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?

night: talk talk talk till I fall asleep
morning: talk talk talk until other person falls asleep. :PPPP
Liked by: Shuchith Naidu

Haha that's so sad . Preoccupied is such a right word id say. Ain't it ms.D?

of course it is. but my views changed. so it's s big word now

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Listen to yourself. no one but yourself.

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

away from everything and everyone I knew.


Language: English