

Ask @nchikkala

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Are you a better talker or listener?

TALK. all day everyday.
I'm thankful to those who put up with it-- though I'm shocked that they can.

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Do you believe that playing is more important than winning?

enjoying yourself is important... know you achieved something is better.
"Beating the best" is better

How many pillows do you sleep with?

7? I don't have one for my head.i ddon't like sleeping on a pillow :/

Which quality in a man do you dislike the most?

when he shows off.
like yaaa go ahead be happy thst yiu have what. don't degrade others

What helps you to make the right decision?

Thinking... I ask for advice. i fucking hate it. lmaoo. I hate negativity and I make most decisions from anger caused by someone's which actually work.

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

when I do something else that's unrelated. I think alot

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

honestly not long... it all depends on how much effort you both put in.

What makes you really mad?

people tell me I can't do something . but it is only a motivation to do something better bitchesssss!

Where do you think you'll be living five years from now?

hopefully medical school... if not taking a break and India bayyybayy!

Relationship advice??

LOL. Im no expert.. but the one thing I've learned is to love yourself first. If you cant love yourself, you're not confident in your own body and with who you are, dont expect someone else to do it. Being who you are is basically expressing your true feelings, your playfulness and if you truly trust this person-- be vulnerable.
-Also, avoid judgements. There is no point in being with the person if your constantly having a problem with who they are, what they do and their past. (Don't define someone based on their past, accept it if you can)
--Be Honest
-Show Respect?
-Have a good laugh. Just being open with the other will get you a long way. Show that your serious about this person too..
For me? I've had experiences in the past which is the reason why i fear what may happen tomorrow, but lately Ive learned that letting go of the past and loving who you are now is the best thing you can do for yourself and anyone (family or friends that care about you). I dont compliment much, I'm as honest as possible and I am myself which is most important. Not only am I comfortable, but Im happy being who I am around anyone cause then thats how i know if someone truly cares for/loves me. It makes me feel important and I'm not ordinary. Im blessed!
Just hang in there.. (:
Omg longest reply ive ever written! :D

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Liked by: Madhu

dddd..! you're considering india? wtf really....?!!?

No re, I cant. it could have been awesome but idk.. I think it's a stupid decision

Why are you getting mad baby

Loo 1. Don't call me baby.
2. I ain't mad... Stupidity irritates me.

If you don't have feelings for anyone right now what will you do....?!

G. Your dumb as fuck. Lmaoo... My life hasn't even started. No need for feelings right now.

Is it easier to forgive or forget?

Forgive... I'll forgive you but I can't forget because you made a conscious choice


Language: English