

How has life been treating you lately?

x_LaReinax’s Profile Photo✨ J A Y ✨
Well I still got the capacity to manuver around others thinking in stupid to figure out shit like a champ . Someone's been pretending to be returning ex's to fuck my head up as well as talking bucketloads of shit they don't know jack about until they ask me instead of creeping into my personal business which isn't always glamorous but it's not really sussposed to be seen mostly either so .......I'm certain people have been to my place without seeing me . Just to point and stare at the fucked off in the head crazy person while not daring be a friendly face that might help heal some of this chaos on display . Nobody has a fucking clue how alone I am in this universe . Seems not to care either but I'm goddamn Gucci because I don't need a damn soul to approve of anything in my life since idk what parts of it are even changeable or fixable or not or what's my fault and what had to happen so nobody gets a say about most of it truly . And uhhhh all my good juju just got spear straight into the spine for the billionth time in life but I'm really ok this time. Like I'm not worried . I'm not trying to impress anyone but kinda the opposite to get some peace .

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How has life been treating you lately?

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