
Allison Nicole Hall

Ask @neverloseyouth

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First thing you would do when you caught your significant other f*cking another person right in your own bed?

Leave them and go find that’s for me

Something good is about to happen to you. Yes. You. Soon. 🕉🌠

I keep getting signs that that’s true & I hope it is!!

What was the last thing to make you smile?

Being told I was smart, cool & pretty by Ben before he went to sleep 🥰

Cuz ever since I lost you I feel lost all the time Tell me what you need, I’ll get that You’re the one for me, I lost you, I regret that Please let me fix the things I couldn’t fix before tell me what you want, I’ll grab it Baby, u the one, we got the magic


Give me a favorite line from a song?

For my brother for showing there things money can’t buy for my sisters for teaching me to always keep my weapons by my side

Do we need religion

I think it’s good for some people but I don’t believe in following religion I’d follow like 5 if I did with all of my personal beliefs

So what are you up to at 5am … lol@

I woke up at 9 am yesterday but I took a clonadine (pill for blood pressure) but it makes you hella tired so I slept on and off all day so my sleep schedule is fuuucked

Shower vs bath

I shower mostly but I love taking a hot bath with bath salts and candles and maybe a bath bomb

how do you move on from losing your soulmate? theres nothing left to move on to after that, just left with the void in your soul that can never be filled to ever be truly whole again 😔

Idk I’m not familiar with ever having to move on from a soul mate. I moved on from people that I know I loved and I don’t think I’ll ever not have love for them but it took years I just distracted myself, grew as a person and eventually found my true soul mate and I get to wake up to him every day


Language: English