
Diijah hym

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Pls give me some advice . I am so physically and mentally dead and have zero motivation . I just want to lay down in bed all day . I literally plan on acting sick to skip school , but I am rethinking my decision bcs I will be like skipping 4 days of school day in August ..

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Dont set school is a burden, anggap as a playground where you enjoy to get knowledge. Dont stufy for exam sja.. but keep it till bila2.
Org poli kah? HAAHHAHAHHA hey. 3 days skip lecture = no elaun AHHAHHAHAAHHHAAH
Im tired get rest lahhhh sehari without thinking.. just rest your head
Have you ever really really think hard Howll you be affected by the decision you make? Zero motivation? Why do you even started
Whatever you're doing in the first place? Mentally dead,have you seen worse? There are so much people there worser than you are,yaknow. Sorry I have to be rude,pasal I've been there myself,and trust me,if you can't even motivate yourself,no one else can do,and if you ever need guide ,or reminder,go YouTube and search *Sarah snow*

Language: English