
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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well you see virginity physiquely. i know that girl can lose their virginity due to accidents or injuries. I think the question was is that how do you think about a girl who had sex before marriage? does she not appreciate herself?

My point remains: I see virginity as just the existence of hymen. I rarely find comfort in another girl that when I do, I don't care whether or not she still has her hymen or not.

Hi, idk if you have already answer this, but since you're a writer, how do you get rid of the writer's block? I really like to write, but I got the block and I haven't been writing for months :(

In order to answer this question, we have to synchronize what writing is. What kind of writing are you referring to? Blogging? Article writing? Novel writing? Short story writing? Is it sporadic or does it require continuous effort?
If your writing requires a continuous effort (like writing a novel), you have to know that there is no such thing as a writer's block. Do dentists get dentists' block? Do athletes get athletes' block? No. What you experience as a writer's block is just inertia. You're afraid of writing something since your sense of writing develops way faster than your writing skills, so that when you write, you just feel that it's never good enough.
How to fight off the inertia? Write, write, write. Editing a bad page might be hard, but editing a blank one is impossible.

Hi kent! Do you think love is harder to find now that sex is easier to get?

I call bullshit on "sex is easier to get" part. If it's easier to get, how could I not find any? *cries excessively*
On a more serious note, I think love is indeed harder to find now, but not because sex is easier to get (I fail to see the relationship between those two), but because there are so many things raising our expectations.
All the K-pop music video and Korean dramas (with their faces cut to fit into the shape of what society thinks is beautiful), all the Disney movies, they distort our expectation of how love is supposed to be. Which is why I think love is relatively harder to get now, compared to, say, our grandparents' era.

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Menurut kaka wajar ga sih seorang cewe cemburu kalo cowonya hang out bareng sama mantan?

Hai anon yang di sana. Wajar sih. Menurut gue, jealousy adalah self-defense mechanism yang dimiliki oleh setiap manusia ketika mereka merasa aset mereka (in this case, your lover) terancam. Jealousy persists in both sexes, the difference is what triggers it. For males, we tend to be jealous over sexual infidelity, while females tend to be jealous over emotional infidelity.
And if your bf is hanging out with his ex, of course this is a huge trigger about emotional infidelity and it is perfectly normal for you to be jealous.

How do you choose to believe in Christianity or Jesus? Do you prefer to have faith and accept the sometimes, illogical explanation behind it or question the whole thing with a scientific mind?

[Re-answering since I now know who you are :p]
The thing about religion and science is that while they're not exactly mutually exclusive, but they don't go hand-in-hand very well either. In the bible, there was no mention of any dinosaur (I believe?). According to it, God created human and that's it. While all the scientific evidences greatly tilt the scale towards evolutionists as opposed to creationists.
To answer your question without actually disclosing my religious preference, I question everything. I think people who readily believe what they're taught are just people who are too lazy to think.
Don't you think blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the creator of human intelligence?

Hi, Kent! Have you ever read a book, so wonderful, so magical that sometimes you find your mind reciting a line or two from that book?

Hi, Victoria!
Let me answer your question the other way around. When I read your question, I only had one quote swirling around my mind. The book it came from isn't really THAT wonderful, but the quote. Oh. My. God.
"I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ. Slit me at the belly and it might slide out, meaty and dark, drop on the floor so you could stomp on it."
This is the opening line of the book. Look me in the eyes and tell me you have no intention of reading this book after devouring that quote.

have you ever date a stupid girl? maybe because you haven't known much about her n apparently she's not as good as you thought?

I have dated a grand total of two girls in my entire life. And neither of them is stupid. As to why I broke up with both of them, the fault lies within me, not in them.

Why do you think some ancient beliefs evolved into major organized religions that we know now while some sort of died out or recognized as mere cults like paganism, druidism? What gives?

Steffi Teowira
Steffi, I'll have you know that I love your questions! They always make me think, one way or another.
Regarding why beliefs (kind of) died out, I don't think we will ever know the exact why, but here is my interpretation on it:
Have you read the book Made to Stick by Chip Heath or the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell? I think those two books hold the key points as to why some beliefs died out.
In Made to Stick, Chip Heath proposed that "story" is a very strong element in contagiousness. For example, I'm sure you are aware of the "kidney story." The story begins with a random guy (or girl), approached by a random girl (or guy) at a bar and they were given free drink. They became unconscious and when they woke up, they realized they were in a bathtub full of ice. A note lied beside them telling them to call 911 as their kidney had just been extracted from their body.
The narrative in the story was so strong (and unexpected!) that we find muse in that story and feel the compelling need to share it with everyone we care about: "LOVE YOUR KIDNEYS, STOP TAKING FREE DRINKS FROM STRANGERS."
And then Gladwell, in his book Tipping Point, stated that there are several factors determining whether or not a particular trend will "tip" into wide-scale popularity. Gladwell wrote about "The Law of the Few: The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts." Or, as the economists call, "the 80/20 principle," where in any situation, roughly 80% of the work will be done by 20% of the participants.
I believe that beliefs that evolved into major organized religions just happened to be spread to these people with a particular and rare set of social gifts.
With that said, let's compare Christianity (the religion I am very well-informed of) and animism (a belief that once spread through Indonesia).
Christianity has a simple yet unexpected story: Once upon a time, there lived a guy who died for you. Retold a thousand times, this story spread wide enough to tip into wide-scale popularity. And then we began to see missionaries here and there, spreading gospel. It started out as a story, see? So easy to recite yet so powerful. "Did you know that a guy died for all of us?" is a very easy thing to slip in conversations.
Comparing it with animism, the concept behind it is that spirits do exist. "Your grandparents who died? Yeah, they are still here. Worship them." It doesn't have the same narrative element like Christianity, no?
I rest my case.

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Ko kent, aku lg pngn bikin buku biografi gt.. Motivasiin dongg

The book ain't gonna write itself! There is no shortcut in writing, you write by typing a word after another, over and over again. Until the last word is typed and you suddenly realize you have just typed a whole book.
Good luck!

Ga pengen buat novel pake bahasa inggris? Kayanya bakalan lebih asik.....

Pingin dong! It's my dream. Tapi di Indo sayangnya nggak ada publisher yang khusus nerbitin novel Inggris. Therefore, I am writing in Bahasa to build my credential so later I could approach Malaysian/Singapore publisher to get my English novels published.

Biasanya penulis ato seniman kalo lg ngumpulin inspirasi ada yg ngerokok, ada yg minum kopi, dll. Kalo situ ngapain? Hehe

I eat/drink something sweet, elevating my blood sugar level, just a tad shy from hitting sugar rush.

Wdyt about this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDTEHwzkK7M ?

For those of you who don't want to open the link: it contains a marriage proposal from a guy to a girl in a boat, witnessed by their families.
What I think about it:
1. Isn't 22 too young to be married?
2. The video is excellent! Angle taken and the ambience are amazing.
3. The English isn't, though. They could have hired someone who speaks proper English.
4. Please, please, for the love of God. Do not ever use Comic Sans MS if you're proposing. It makes everything look like a joke.

minta saran dong.aku punya prinsip nih ga pacaran dl sblm nemu org yg tepat dgn kriteria tertentu.picky bgt sih tapi males bgt liat tmn putus nyambung banyak drama.mnrt aku mending punya tmn byk aja,ada prioritas lain juga.cm org sekitar pada ribet sendiri.gmn spy mrk diem?kn lama2 risih juga.

Non, laen kali abis full stop tolong dikasih spasi, biar gampang bacanya. Kasian ini mata gue udah mines lima masih harus dipaksain.
Supaya mereka diem:
1. Bunuh mereka
2. Gantungin papan di leher bertuliskan, "Berisik = gue bacok"
3. Or, you know, cuekin aja mereka.
Liked by: yessa Juju Lamlo

Nonton mahadewa/mahabarata/ramayana/jodha akbar/adventure of hatim?

Ngga. I'm ashamed to say I have less attraction towards Indonesia culture compared to other countries'.

Pendapat soal cewe yg rajin baca buku sambil yoga (kaya gue)?

Biasa aja sih. Gue juga sering baca buku sambil yoga di ranjang, ngulet sambil benerin selimut gitu.
On a more serious note, keep being awesome!
Liked by: yessa

20 things about you?:)

Here goes.
1. I'm a messy person. I'm one of those people who believe that a messy work place promotes creativity.
3. One of my friends once told me that my talent is not cognition or persuasive skill, it is the ability to perceive others and adapt into my surroundings.
4. I once entered Mathematics OSN (National Science Olympiad) and ranked sixth in Surabaya. (They only picked the top five)
5. This might come as a surprise to you, but I'm a nerd. I play games, read books, talk about stuff that people deem boring.
6. I used to sing and play guitar in my old band! But then I quickly realized that music is not what I was born for, so I gave up.
7. I'm quite an extreme sapiosexual.
8. I think English is easier than Bahasa.
9. I become excessively "medok" when I'm excited.
10. I'm having difficulty coming up with 20 facts about myself.
11. I try to avoid talking about myself. (This explains #10)
12. My tongue is similar to a cat's. I do not put anything hot inside my mouth.
13. I'm considering creating a vlog.
14. My mom told me I should go do stand-up comedy.
15. I have an extraordinarily loud voice.
16. I have this weird attraction towards numbers, especially Fibonacci and golden ratio.
17. I have six different perfume. (Come on, three more facts)
18. The most important thing for me is internet. I could sleep on a hard bed and eat bad food as long as there is internet.
19. I should go back to finishing my novel.
20. I feel happy now that I could come up with 20 things about me.

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Apakah kakak orang yang mempermasalahkan bentuk garpu dan sendok saat makan? Harus sama keduanya, misal?

intan risda
Ga. Di kantor gara-gara telat makan sering banget kehabisan sendok. Akhirnya makan pake garpu makan dan sendok teh. Gue mah serba fleksibel (kecuali badan gue).

Caranya ningkatin rajin belajar kakkk

Gue pernah diceritain guru Matematika gue, katanya ada senior dua tahun di atas gue yang desperate belajar. Akhirnya dia robek buku paketnya, dibakar, diaduk dalem air putih, terus diminum.
Mungkin anon bisa coba trik itu.
Spoiler alert: senior gue masuk rumah sakit.
Liked by: Fatita

Pertanyaan ke lu kok semakin hari bawaannya semakin lbh berat ketimbang pertanyaan debat capres -__- hello folks, this guy is a novelist, okay.. alangkah indahnya jika pertanyaan yg diajukan sesuai dgn 'bidang'nya :) spt.. dlm menulis lu ada deadline tertentu gk sih? Satu lg, dr dulu gw pnsran, pene

Are you implying science isn't my field? -_____- I've been exposed to science since I was a kid, I was a scientist before I became a writer. Moreover, those two doesn't have to be mutually exclusive.
Menjawab pertanyaan lo, nggak ada sih. Kecuali you're writing a series of novel, di mana pembacanya udah koar-koar minta buku selanjutnya terbit. Gue pernah diceritain tentang Dee (penulisnya Supernova) di mana Dee ini nggak kelarin buku terakhir dalam seri Supernovanya. Pembacanya udah tanya Gramedia terus, "INI KAPAN KELUAR WOI?" sampai akhirnya Gramedia memohon ke Dee dan membayar uang muka duluan agar buku terakhirnya diselesaikan.
Liked by: SonOfBitch

Gimana caranya ngurangin males yg to much bgt pdhl kita pgn bgt masuk univ yg kita mau kak I need ur solusion

You're asking the wrong person. I procrastinate so much that when I open up my laptop to write, I suddenly feel the irresistible urge to clean my room.
Liked by: Steffi Teowira

If you could solve one great mystery of the world, what would it be?

Steffi Teowira
I love your questions!
Can I get two answers? I can, right? I can.
1. I think the first thing I'd like to address is the universe. Like, after our solar system, there is milky way, and then after that is our local cluster. What's next? What's in the deep dark abyss there? Is there a sign of intelligence outside Earth? Is there parallel universe? Why did God create such a vast universe if Earth is the only planet habitable?
2. Black hole has a very very very very strong (what's another word for this adjective) gravitational pull that it sucks and prevents light from escaping. It follows that the velocity inside black hole is much much larger than the speed of light. Does that mean that if we find a way to survive the pressure black hole exerted upon us, we would discover time travel?

I'm sorry bro kent if i have to paraphrase what i sent you question just now. yeah I realized it seemed uncomprehendable. well, what does impact of ASEAN economic community bring on for indonesia in 2015? I think it's too soon and urgent to be launched in this country, in your perspective?

Frans Hans
I'm not really experienced in politics. Hence, read this answer with a grain of salt and skepticism.
First off, as the name suggests, AEC is only to be held in ASEAN, right? Arguably the giant in ASEAN is Singapore. We can make a compelling argument for Malaysia and to a much lesser extent, Thailand. But the rest of ASEAN are way behind compared to us.
By implementing AEC in Indonesia, our human resources development would be pushed forward and professional qualifications would be globally recognized. Also (a little bit off-track) we would get consultation on macroeconomics and financial policies. Not to mention enhanced infrastructure in global trade.
Answering your question, I don't know whether it's too soon to implement AEC in Indonesia, but I expect good results from it.

do u agree in the western's culture words "be yourself?" please do accompany your answer with reasonable argument :D

"Be yourself" is simultaneously the best and worst piece of advice you can give to someone.
The problem with NOT being yourself is that sometimes it wears you out. Remember Robin Williams who killed himself like a month ago? People keep saying "Oh but he's so damn funny!" or "Oh but he's cheerful! How can he off himself like that?" not realizing the Robin Williams they currently see is not the real him. The real him is an old man, continuously battling depression. But if he would just "be himself," would he even amount to anything?
The problem with being yourself is that it doesn't push you to be a better person. It teaches you to be happy with who you are, "Be yourself" is a good advice to probably around 5% of people.

good evening :) just asking your opinion, what the most effective way to lose weight?thanks btw ;) have a good day :)

I think @rinafrans is more experienced in this part than I am.
Quoting her answers, if you want to lose weight, your calorie output must be greater than the input. Simple as that. Knowing that, you can either:
1. Reduce the calorie input.
Eat food that makes you full, but is low on calorie. Such as broccoli, or chicken breasts.
2. Increase the calorie output.
Work out. Do cardio, stuff that boosts your heart rate.
Despite knowing the theory,
my belly is still like a mochi.

Have you ever read Hans Christian Andersen's stories? If you have, which one is your favorite? Sorry for bad english.

I like Andersen's counterpart much more than I like himself. Have you heard of the Brothers Grimm?
If you have never heard about it, Grimm actually wrote another version of Cinderella. And in that version, when the prince went around the town to look for the glass shoe's owner, Cinderella's step sisters cut their own feet (!!!) in order to fit into the glass shoe. And then ravens were attracted to the smell of blood exuded by the wounds in their feet and they pecked out the step sisters' eyes.
Makes you wonder why they did not animate this version rather than Andersen's.

Ko Kent, I read that stupidity turns you off. Stupid itu bagaimana? Apakah = ignorant? Habis dulu ditanamkan kalo nggak ada orang yang bodoh, adanya males.

Yang dulu ditanamkan bukanlah kebenaran, sekedar penyemangat saja supaya orang yang bodoh termotivasi.
Orang bodoh itu ada. Dan banyak. The kind of stupidity that turns me off is the lack of cognition and ignorance.

Haha, gimana tu kak pertanyaan yang asean economic community itu?

I have reread it like three times and still didn't understand what the question was.

Ko Kent, menurutmu statement 'nothing is impossible' itu logically true? Atau itu yell2 self-help guru doang?

No. It is obviously not logically true. If nothing is impossible, can you try slamming a revolving door? Can you try walking on the Sun? Can you, as an Indonesian, be a US' president?
There are sheep people, people who need to be guided around, directed to where the green pasture is, being lied to in order to survive. And then there are wolves, skeptical people who question everything they were taught.
In a world so full of sheep, the wolves will never go hungry.

Hai... . Menurutmu apa perbedaan mendasar dari lelaki & perempuan? Kapan pertama kali kamu mengetahui perbedaan antara lelaki & perempuan? . . . Catatan: Karena ini hari libur, tolong jangan sungkan menjawab lebih lucu & lebih kocak dari biasanya. . Terima kasih & semoga harimu semakin indah...

Ketika saya TK, saya mengetahui bahwa perbedaan antara lelaki dan perempuan yang paling mendasar adalah ada/tidaknya sesuatu yang menggantung di antara selangkangan mereka.
ketika SD, saya, melalu pengalaman pribadi, mengetahui bahwa sesuatu yang menggantung di antara selangkangan kami harus dipotong ujungnya. Selain itu, saya juga menyadari bahwa apa yang dihadapi lelaki sekali tersebut tidak ada apa-apanya jika dibandingkan dengan apa yang dihadapi perempuan setiap bulannya: pendarahan dari genitalnya.
Lalu ketika SMP, saya menyadari bahwa perempuan itu wangi. Dan cenderung lebih rapi daripada kami. Tentunya, selalu ada pengecualian. Kakak perempuan saya termasuk kelompok pengecualian tersebut.
Ketika SMA, saya memahami perbedaan fundamental antara lelaki dan perempuan yang mengubah cara saya memperlakukan wanita pada umumnya. Rupanya pendarahan dari genital (yang saya pelajari di SD) membuat mereka agak sensitif.
Sekarang saya tau kalo perempuan sedang sensitif, cara terbaik adalah tutup mulut, jaga jarak, dan lempar coklat dari kejauhan.

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why do people cry when they eat spicy food?

I've read about this one! It's because spicy food contains something called capsaicin (yeah it sounds like a really delicious capcai). Some plants evolved to contain this capsaicin substance as a self-defense mechanism, so that predators didn't want to eat them. But the irony is so very strong in this one, because we're eating them exactly due to their spiciness.
In order to understand why capsaicin or spicy food in general makes us cry, we need to understand that our tongue actually has tons of receptors (which is why we can taste sweet, sour, salty, and MSG). But aside from those receptors, our tongue also has pain receptors. These receptors are what the capsaicin targets. Capsaicin would bind these pain receptors and leaves behind a burning sensation signaled by the brain, all without actually leaving any physical scar on your tongue.

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Ko Kent, what do you read daily? Newspaper, website gitu...

I don't subscribe to physical newspaper (maklum anak kos). The only website I constantly check is 9gag and cracked.
As for my daily dose of info, I use Flipboard app and just talk to my friends who usually fill me up with stuff I need to know.

If Sunday is a girl, what kind of girl is she?

If Sunday was a girl,
she would be a very beautiful girl.
Gently waking me up in the morning,
with the sweetest voice she would sing.
At afternoon she would start doing chores,
wiping all the window, and all the doors.
And I would lazily sit in a sofa,
drunk from all the yesterday's vodka.
She would drag my ass across the room,
and hand me the broom.
Demanding that I buy her a sundae,
reminding me that tomorrow is a Monday.

hah kok sampe sgitunya ko? emgny koko lahir n besar dmana??

Surabaya. Tapi I spent most of my childhood playing games and reading English books that I ended up not really understanding proper Indonesian grammar.
Jaga-jaga kalo Bu Wiwin lagi stalk ask.fm gue: "Halo, Bu. Aku sekarang seorang novelis lho."

Hey kent, I love your blog; it really tickles my fancy. btw, what is your job?

And I love you, random anon!
I currently work as the Creative Strategist for a certain branding company in South Jakarta.

Ka mau nanya dong. jujur nih apa pendapat kakak tentang inner beauty? herm bukannya gimana yah kak saya sih gak setuju kalau inner beauty lebih penting dari penampilan luar. karena kan kakak deketin cewek awalnya karena kakak suka sama appearance-nya ka baru deh tau sifatnya #justasking

Inner beauty != A beautiful mind.
If I had to choose between either a beautiful face or a beautiful mind, I'd choose a beautiful mind, hands down. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy physical beauty.
Gue udah pernah jawab ini sih, but I'll repeat it again. Pacaran itu kayak cari kerja, di mana physical appearance adalah CV dan PDKT adalah interviewnya. See, kita sebagai cowok kan nggak mungkin meng-interview semua cewek yang kita ketemuin (unless you're Joseph Gordon Levitt, but if you were him you wouldn't have to interview anyone at all), which is why kita meng-sortir cewek mana yang kita mau interview melalui "CV"nya dulu.

Books you've read (John Green's books, Inferno, etc), which language did you read it? Bahasa or English? Sorry for poor english.

Every novel I read was in English. My Bahasa used to be extremely terrible. At a conversational level I could still comprehend what is being talked about, but when put into an elaborate text, I used to have problems understanding it.
Liked by: Steffi Teowira

not really, tapi karya Dee itu luar biasa sih (apalagi Supernova Seri-nya.) mungkin kamu bisa re-search tentang tulisan2 Dee yang menurut saya keren sekali. (maaf saya ikut2.)

Will do! Gue udah sering denger tentang Dee sih. I shall push that up to the top of my reading list then. Thanks non! You never have to apologize for recommending books to me :)

Stand by Me kan Desember keluarnya di Blitz... Apa perlu penghuni asefem bikin nobar?

Tolong maafkan saya telah menyalahgunakan nama Blitz dalam penulisan jawaban yang tak berarti barusan. Blitz sebenarnya tidak pernah menjanjikan apa-apa. Saya yang expectant.
Oh keluarnya baru Desember? Gue Desember balik Surabaya, nggak bisa nonton dong :'(


Language: English