@origamibirds#63 🇬🇧


YOU WOULDN'T PUT THOSE WORDS INTO A STORY? *sweats quietly* you have saved? (That is not okay, okay. How dare she give intense feels with those words. I was thinking and ouching for you.)

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Latest answers from tea.

Do you ever wear a watch? What kind(s)? ⌚

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I had a super snazzy garmin, which I absolutely LOVED. But it got smashed, so I’m on an Apple Watch Series 7. It’s fine, it ties in well with my phone, but I still miss Glenda the Garmin 😂

What does Surrey mean

It’s a country outside of London. My bit of it was full of nice houses and polo ponies when I was growing up. It was as quintessentially British as you get 😂

Is your waist size a normal size? I read that, ideally, your waist measurement should be less than half of your height. If you're 5'6, that's 66inches so your waist should be less than 33 inches. I'm 5'6 and mine is 29 inches. I wish it was less than that like model size, but I can live with that.

My dude, you have SO many better things to worry about. Go and jump in a puddle and enjoy the splash. Kiss somebody you’ve never kissed before and enjoy the excitement. Swim naked in a lake, take photos with peeps you’ve met once, tell an old friend you love them. Nobody is going to put your waist size on your grave stone.
Take it from an ex-professional athlete and recovering anorexic. I was my unhappiest at my skinniest. There only thing in life that you don’t get a second chance at is life itself. Grab hold of it with both hands, my love. Seize the day with every ounce of your being, and if your thighs touch then fuck it.

What do you, as an American, understand by "fish and chips"? The same as a Brit?

I’m from SURREY.

Do you wake up early

5am ish? It’s not a “haHA I wake up early” thing, it’s a “that is exactly the time that the sunshine and the dogs have conditioned me to embark on another day of shenanigans” so we move. It’s just late enough that it never feels like there’s too much point in going back to bed 😂

If I'm making any mistakes in English please don't correct me. Idgaf, I have no respect for this language, my ancestors who were colonised were forced to speak it ❤️

Awww heart heart heart 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
If you’re going to have no respect for this language, it should be because of the six thousand different kinds of “there, their and they’re”. Like, make it make sense.

Have you ever experienced 'strawberry legs' after shaving? I sometimes opt for shaving with a razor because it's easier and painless than waxing or using an epilator, but I always end up with that gross strawberry skin. I don't have the same issue when waxing or using an epilator

Laser has been my bestie since I was about 15 😂 But I still have hairy toes so take what you will from that.

What, if anything, worries you about getting older? I know some people say “growing old is a privilege” but lots of things about aging suck 👴🏻👵🏻

Hahahah, want to see a picture of my grandpapa? This is his red wine dispenser - it’s installed above the aga to ensure that his wine is at the perfect temperature all the time. He walks the dog twice a day, reads both versions of the Times, does whichever gardening that the gardener has not done, reads a book, watches some sport, goes out with his friends. Occasionally a doting grandchild will travel up to see them (it’s me 😂) and they’ll play poker until the early hours and drink the good gin.
I’m so okay with growing old. It looks rad.
What if anything worries you about getting older I know some people say growing

Language: English