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Latest answers from tea.

How are people born in 2006 18 years old but I'm born in 1996 and I'm also turning 18 in July. Math ain't mathing (I'm just gaslighting myself into thinking I'm still young because I'm afraid of aging)

My god SAME. I’m 28 next month. But how.

Have you ever been accused of being a gold digger? My neighbor was accused of that, but she's a manager and the man she's dating makes slightly above min. wage💀 Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's funny how some minds operate and how people assume women are golddiggers by default.

Hahaha, yes. The good news is that it’s made for such a laughable story that I have 100% won the break up. The bad news is that I lost quite a lot of money to that one 😂

Please stay on ask until we get to the happy ending. Your story seems really sad so far.

Ahhh my love! It’s not, my story has been full of luck and wonderful people and warmth and love. We just never know what the next adventure is going to be.

I will be in London, any tips on how to get away from the obscuring light pollution?

You’re going to need a train and a spare hour 😂

do you have siblings or are you an only child?

I have a younger brother who was about 45 when he exited the womb.

If you were looking out of a 2nd story apartment window and saw someone you disliked passing by on the street, would you shout mean names at them or throw things on their head? Not heavy things that could injure them, just things like fruits/veggies or eggs or water.

I mean, no, because of ALL of the obvious reasons.
But also, there’s a cost of living crisis. Have you seen how much eggs cost right now? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

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