

Ask @pepseeh

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Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

Maybe they wanted to be within the general vicinity of my current location. I'm not quite sure.

What is smart casual? Would you wear the same thing as your answer to the first question if you were told to dress that way for a function; how would you dress differently?

I've always thought of smart casual as something being halfway between decent casual and maybe business attire. Personally when it's smart casual I'd always be wearing a polo (either long-sleeved or otherwise), and I'd wear some decent-looking jeans and nice-looking shoes.
What do you mean by dressing differently?

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so you're holding yourself out for a girl who may not want to go with you anyway? isn't that exhausting?

I don't think that was what I said. :)

"But if she's not who I wish she was - and she most likely isn't" It sounds like you are pining after somebody. Why don't you just make a move?

How do you know I haven't?

What would you do if a girl asked you out this very minute?

(Deleted the first answer because I realized I was being *very* assuming. My apologies, asker, if you read it.)
It depends. But if she's not who I wish she was - and she most likely isn't - I might have to turn her down.

What celebrity annoys you the most?

Didn't we already get this question before? Well anyway... Willie.

Would we go extinct if it were just you and a girl you weren't attracted to, left on earth?

Well, probably not.

If you were the last person in the world along with another guy, and the guy can conceive and give birth, would you have sex with the guy to have children and preserve the human race?

Sorry. We're going extinct.
Liked by: Geli Blanco

If you could own an exotic pet, what would you choose?

A chimpanzee, a capuchin, an orangutan, and an elephant.

Tell us about your dream house. (Be as detailed as you can.)

It's gonna be huge.
There's gonna be an indoor pool, a gym room somewhere, a big backyard where both humans and animals can play in perfect harmony, a music room/recording studio full of all the instruments my friends and I can play (and you know we'll want to record that shit, hence why it also doubles as a recording studio), an office/library (I might just even buy the full SCRA for shits and giggles), and my room is going to have a balcony and a second bed built into a window ledge when I don't feel like sleeping on the master bed.
And all my bathrooms will have a sound system built in. Actually, the entire house is going to have a sound system built in.But the bathrooms will have their own separate docks.

hahaha confident enough in your language skills? i beg to disagree. read your work in adapt. lol.

Cool. Thanks for reading, bro

I can poop in the street because I can, but it doesn't mean I should...... I meant black people are rich. Have you heard of this man Kanye West? HE R I C H as fuck. You thought poor? Oh my..

Well good for you. At least you know what not to do out on the street.
Not all black guys are as rich as Kanye, though. Should've just said Kanye if you meant Kanye.

why do you like sounding like a black man? does it make you cool in an ironic way? surely, you must have the resources of a black man too......

Simple: because I can. I can sound like whoever I want. I'm confident enough in my language skillz to sound like whoever I want.
And I don't know what you mean by that last part, but you're pretty damn racist if you meant poor.

To the person who asked about Thor-Cap-Iron Man, our latest jurisprudence confirms that combat-wise, Captain America wins, assuming that Thor is indisposed. However, Captain America holds back because of his morality. (Civil War)

And Tony's just stone cold sometimes. That's why Tony wins.
There you go.

Who would win in a fight between Captain America, Thor and Iron Man?

I've got my money on Iron Man.
Thor could take them both down if it came down to sheer power, but battles are not always won by sheer power - a good number of them can be won by intelligence. (That should be somewhere in the Art of War. I dunno, I haven't read it yet but I know Sun Tzu prefers wit and stragedy over strength.) And everyone knows Tony Stark is a smart-ass motherfucker, and he's obviously smarter than Cap, who is the actual military tactician - but Cap doesn't have a suit; he's just a super-enhanced human with super-enhanced human abilities.

if you were allowed to choose among these three surnames as replacement, which would you choose: (a.) Anjuliet (b.) Meowmeow (c.) B'Goodeson

B'Goodeson. Anjuliet is lame, and Meowmeow is pretty clever but I'm not really feeling it.
Plus Romeo B'Goodeson sounds like a black guy so that's cool


Language: English