

Ask @pepseeh

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What's your favorite thing about where you live?

That I can easily walk to wherever I want to go around here.

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

I don't ever want to imagine a world without dogs. That's that.

If you had to have prosthetic balls, what would be your material of choice? Cement? Clay? Cookie dough?

Talk about family jewels, huh.

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Do you prefer cinema or theatre?

Cinema, really.
Wait, are we talking about word usage? Then it's theater. I always call it a movie theater.

Do you prefer chicken, beef or pork meat?

If I could have beef all the time, I would. (#pause.) I also prefer chicken over pork.

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

I'm cool with either. A picture's a picture. Either I'm in it or I'm not.

Why write and get published when people can get so judgmental and are not afraid to show it? How do you manage that fear of the public?

The fear of the judgmental public is easily overcome by support from that same public. I still get afraid every time I type something up. I still get afraid to hit that "Publish" button every now and then. But being afraid is a good thing; it proves that you're willing to rise above your comfort zone and be great. It proves that you don't just want to be stuck in the same place with regard to your work. I move along despite the fear because I know that there are still people who want to read my work, and if not for anything, I write for their enjoyment. The rest can follow.
I've been taking writing classes for most of my college life. I know how to deal with criticism, and I also know how to defend myself. I know I won't always hit it out of the park, and I know when to buckle down and take my hits, because those are lessons I need to learn in order to be better next time.
Besides, nobody criticizes me as much as I do anyway.

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So what got you back into writing about wrestling?

More free time, mostly.
But seriously, I missed it. I missed talking about something I actually know a lot about. I mean, okay, there will always be things I need to learn, but what I know and the foundation of what I know about wrestling is certainly a lot more stable than what I know about, say, the law at this particular point in my life. Law school can really make you feel stupid, and for me, writing about wrestling is as easy to pick back up as riding a bike.
And you know that feeling when you ride a bike again after not doing so for a long time? When you're going fast and the wind's blowing in your face and hair and you feel like you can go as far as your legs can pedal again? It's like that. It feels great to be doing this again.

Would you rather live without TV or music?

I can live without TV just fine. Just don't take away my music.

Hey thanks. I might take you up on that offer to talk.

Hey, no problem. I hope you know where to reach me.

When you've hit rock bottom, what should you do?

To be honest with you, I don't really know.
I'm trying to figure my way up and out of rock bottom myself right now, and so far the only answer I've got for you is to keep your head down, and be good - that is, if you want to be good. Meaning, if this is a big deal to you, if being at rock bottom hurts, you've just got to try and be the best person you can be. Because if you don't care much for it, you're not going to get anywhere. I think the most important thing to remember here is that as long as you want to get up and/or be a good person, you can get there if you be silent and just try, just put in the work no matter what people think of you, no matter how much they distrust you, no matter how much you've let them down.
If you've hurt someone, you should always apologize, and you should always mean it. Don't say it if you don't mean it, but at the same time you've got to pick your spots; sometimes it's best to wait and let things settle so that cooler heads can believe and accept your apologies.
If this question is about you, anon, lemme know if you need someone to talk to.

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Where would you recommend going if someone wanted to visit the Phillipines.

Depends on what you want really want to see.
If you wanted to go to a beach, I'd offer Boracay, Palawan, Puerto Galera, La Union, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera; a good number of the beaches here are pretty breathtaking.
If you wanted to head up the mountains, I'd send you to Baguio or Banaue or Sagada or Tagaytay.
If you wanted to hang around in the city, that's pretty easy too.

Do you have any strange phobias?

Would it count that every time I'm alone in a swimming pool, every time I go underwater I expect some horrifying sea creature to emerge?

Describe your Super Date.

I can't do that; how would it be super if the girl could find out what's gonna happen?

What do you think of a man who asks his woman to pay for dates?

That's total weaksauce, especially if you're only newly dating. If a woman wants to pay her own way, let her suggest it on her initiative. You'll just end up looking like a complete cheapskate if you grill her to cover her own share, much less pay for the whole thing. (Come on, son.)
The only time it would be acceptable, I think, is if you've been together for so long that mi casa es su casa. Even then, though, I'd avoid it if I can.

What is your favorite clothing store?

None. If I like something I'll go and get it. It doesn't have to be from any particular store.

Hi! E yung idealized version mo ng romance? Si Slutty Pumpkin mo. Tell me about her :)

Geli Blanco
I'm just gonna say this: he/she exists for everyone. You might not even be looking for him/her, you might even doubt he/she's possible, hell, he/she may not even come around in your lifetime... but the possibility is real. That much, you shouldn't doubt.
And don't fuck it up, no matter what. That'll be the saddest thing you ever do in your life. Nobody deserves the misery of fucking up, and you won't ever know if you'll get another chance.
Liked by: Geli Blanco

If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

First of all, a chimpanzee.
Then, an elephant.


Language: English