

Ask @plmtkn

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If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be and why?

no idea. im fine where i am right now. and besides, i'm travelling with my gramma, i can't just leave

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What do you do when a conversation with your friend comes to a stop and you don't know what to talk about?

i usually just... wait for them to start again;; i dont feel so confident starting a topic and continuing it, unfortunately

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

my ears are pierced, though i hardly wear earrings
i don't think i would want anymore, though. it's not that i don't like piercings, it's that i keep forgetting to actually wear the things

If your muse(s) could have a pet, what would they have?

kyo would probably have a dog! a huge cute and fluffy one (it has to be soft and fluffy because that's the nicest to hug!)!! and also energetic and he'd prolly love taking it to dog parks and playing with it and stuff haha
yuu loves all animals, actually. he takes in stray, injured animals to take care sometimes and he's somewhat an animal magnet. birds crowd around him when he stays at one area for too long. anyway, i'd think he'd like to have a snake! he really likes snakes. they're kinda like dragons. it's also very satisfying to have them slithering on you
wil isn't much of an animal fan tbh... so i think he would just have a fish. they're calming to look at, yknow

What would animals say to us if they could talk?

idk but if swords could talk they would prolly say something like "WAH! AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA WERE YOU SUPRISED YOU WERE SO SURPRISED OMG AHHAHA"
Liked by: Rusted

Will humans ever live on another planet?

if 1000 people went to mars and died there wouldnt that be hecked up or what

I want to hug your kyo ;;!

Liked by: Hersh松

things you do when you come home from school as a kid vs. things you do when you come home from school now?

as a kid, i just watched tv, now i get on the computer and draw. also sword boys
basically, not much has changed

what is your muse's Starbucks order?

ive been trying to answer this question but every time i read a starbucks menu im just so amazed and confused about all the different kinds of coffee i didnt know there's so much coffee in the world i dont even like coffee the world is an amaziing and incredible place

If you could change only a single detail on your muse(s) official design what would be it?

id want flower to wear ripped leggings instead of regular thigh highs
the zolas have "image illustrations" instead of an official design so its up to the artist on how they want the zolas to look like (like a collab between the original artist and the fanartist!!)
but... i guess i'd want the amano art to be more clean?? though, since this is more about their design and not art, i wish for yuu to have shorter pants, for kyo to either take off that single shoulder pad or wear it on both shoulders, and idk for wil. im mostly bothered by his legs and face than his design lol
Liked by: Teru

Is there a trait or idea about your muse(s) that you especially like? What is it?

I'm Hir!
uhhhh i like kyo and how he just *clenches fists* is kyo
i mean-- he's just so optimistic and cheerful and??? and energetic no matter what and he loves everyone and i mean everyone and and its just HE'S SO CUTE AND ADORABLE LIKE A PUPPY EXCEPT HE'S REALLY BIG AND TALL AND???? I LOVE KYO
oh and i also like yuu and his identity issues because i can relate to him a lot :')
Liked by: Tina I'm Hir!

Name one Vocaloid song that gives you the most feels

why would i get feels over vocaloids songs its not like im a WIMP OR ANYTHING AHAHAHA H A
so, instead, i'll recommend zola songs!
eon songs are always lovely, i would recommend leo (sm24473089) and libra (sm21894976)!
inlight (sm25193602) is a very cute song! it features both kyo and miku, kyo doing the rapping and miku doing the singing.
kasane has some good rock songs, such as black phantom (sm25193602) and natural nobility of downfall (sm21862419)!
i really love how yukitsuki uses wil, so be sure to listen to sugar candy (sm23523895) as well as 水槽と雨 (sm24394352)
十六夜桜-Zakura- (sm21899669) is a short song which has been featured in sound voltex!
for a more traditional song, you should listen to until connected to the sky (sm22935323), which is another kyo + miku duet! they really sing well together!
i'll stop there before i make any longer of a list but i really like zola and i hope yuu wil too!

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