Ask @qllyy

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what do you look for in a guy? ( physically )

Um, looks don't matter that much to me, but I prefer someone who's taller than me, and not so flabby. :)
Liked by: sarah

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any song you're addicted to?

It's a Wild World by Maxi Preist & All Alone by Fun.
God damn I swear those songs are like drugs.
Liked by: sarah

Describe and imitate andre

Andre's a wuss. He's talented, gregarious, popular, and he eats so much and never gains waaahh :"( he's also waaayyy better than me in rugby sob.
I like ducks quackquack
Tortias make me gassy
ally join MINECRAFT
*gets tuna sandwich for lunch*
*puts lettuce in theo's lunch and mashes it up*
Guys lets to teddy bear roles!!111!1!!
Ally let me do your hair
*does ridiculous hair style for me, makes me keep it on for the whole PE lesson*
Are you taking the bus home
You used to be my bus buddy..then what happened
*bows head in shame*
*does weird pig squeal in drama class*
Guys I'm getting an iPhone 5c in November
4 more weeks to my bday!!
What should I do for my birthday?
*other people talk about sex-related stuff*
Bye guys
Watching Charlie and the chocolate factory guys
It's awesome
(Is that long enough for you)

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Liked by: sarah

10 facts about me:))

nat tan
1/ you're a fab babe
2/ you're really gorgeous
3/ xav likes you? (I think)
5/ you're best friends with amy and tiff
6/ you sit next to angelica in Chinese
7/ you're in KUp
8/ and you love ms upshore??
9/ you have a sister in grade 9 and her names melissa
10/ and she plays netball(:
Liked by: sarah nat tan

what subjects are you planning to take for IB?

That's so long away! I haven't really thought about it, but I'm definitely doing history :-)
Liked by: sarah

Your grades ARE good! I know for a fact that you got highest in class for history and science, and for your geography you got 94% aha.. Don't ask me how I know this though

Thank you so much <3
This means a lot haha.
Liked by: sarah

how often do you drink Arizona & starbucks omg?

Hahaha I have Arizona almost every time I go to the American Club which is like once a week yeah. And I drink Starbucks occasionally.
Liked by: sarah

Describe and imitate :)

You're really fun to talk to and friendly. And you're also really pretty!
No lao shi don't give us so much homework please
-insert deep love quote-
*posts random selfie that actually looks really good*
HAHA I'm not sure of what else to put lol ILY angelica !
Liked by: sarah

Why do you get hate? You seem nice

Because I'm kinda fat and pretty ugly. And also because I eat a lot and don't get the best grades probably ?
Liked by: sarah

What annoys you the most?

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Person is typing...
Person: Ok

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Language: English