Ask @qllyy

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It's not disgusting , don't say that! It's like 10 times better compared to my handwriting

Aw you're so sweet thank you :*
Liked by: sarah

Pap of your handwriting ?

It varies from sugarplum fairies to releasing the cracken (I don't even think you can read the one on right)
Liked by: sarah Nat

ship some people

Lyn x charles
Theo x kristen
Theo x izzy
Van x timmy
Kirsty x patrick
Nette x ben
Chelsie x Matt C
Chelsie x Ryan
Chelsie x arthur
Amber x Lucas
Bronte x reiwen
Nina x zach
Bertha x ryan
Ash gan x Henry
Bryan Y x Yukie
Gemma x bryan Siew
Bertha x Jerry
Jess x timtoh
Jess x dan
ugghrhhrhrhgh im sure there's more but i can't think aggh screw it
Liked by: sarah VanVan Phil

What do you think people think when they see you?

Omg it's that girl
ugh she's so annoying
wait who
you know that girl with the green hair tie
yyeah that one
her hair's weird
Ew she's coming
run run
she's so loud
she's so soft
she's so dumb man
have you seen her in math class
have you seen her in Chinese class??!?!!?!
she's so scary omg
LOL it's her again runrun
Liked by: sarah Nat

you know you're the one in our class with the most eca' can you cope with 8 activities gosh

3 of them are in the morning/lunch
2 of them are on the same day after school
So I only need to stay back 4 days

a) i look rlly classy like i dont give af in the photo which is what i intended. b) lol anon i feel bad for u ally just owned ur ass. c) ally won chairman bc she is maximum SWAG. f off thnx

a) that picture of you is the fabbest b) it's what I do for a living thank you c)I won vice chairman lah I'm not good enough for chairman plssz
Hahahha i love you theo
Liked by: sarah

What did you do today?

Went to school, after school I went for bubble tea with theo, nina, van and patrick, then me and theo watched the teachers football game which was phuckkng hilarious (YOU GO HENDERSON), then I went to the MBS art show with my mom (VIP WHOOPWHOOP), then diagnosed myself with stage 4 fever and stage 100 sore throat, then we went to ding tai fung, looked around in the shops, then went home, and now I'm doing my homework. I'm frigging exhausted. Detailed enough for you?(: (who even asks these question I don't even)
Liked by: sarah

You know everyone voted for you for vice chair right, and you say you're not popular..

Popularity really doesn't matter to me, this is going to sounds really lame but quality not quantity. And I don't consider myself popular, please.
And why am I getting all the attention?? Go after Arthur, he deserves it more. After all he is the CHAIRperson. ;)
Liked by: sarah


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