Ask @qllyy

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wow u must be really free huh?

Actually no i have other activities outside of school too LOL, but I guess in grade9-10 I'll be really busy so why not do all the activities now yolo
Liked by: sarah

Have you decided what ECA's you are going to take?

Yes! Netball, social basketball, competitive basketball, running club, art club, samba drumming, lit blog, and last but not least,MEDITASHUNNNNN
Liked by: sarah natalie xy

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Your skirt is so short???!?!??! Buy a new one!!!???!!??!/

My skirt is just above the knee when standing up which is the requirement of the school,so it's definitely NOT too short??!!??! And even if it was, it doesn't concern you.
Liked by: sarah

does amber shaw follow you on ig? can u tell her to follow me pls?

I dont know if she follows me, and I would but 1) I don't know her personally and 2) I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE YOURE ON ANON
Liked by: sarah VanVan

Hey, can you like 50 of my answers and I will like 60 of yours? Like 90 for a gift :) thank you. I've 4000 followers, your page will get flooded ;) Your page is wonderful❤ #Promise❤ #DoFollowMe❤

You just copied and pasted that on everyone's wall.NIGGER.
Liked by: sarah VanVan kenme

OH SO ONE MINUTE SHE'S "TOO SKINNY" AND NOW SHE IS "OBESE" OH GOD ANONS MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, she's neither so stop nitpicking about her figure, it's not nice to say you're too skinny or too fat dear lord. Also please get some EQ and keep ya opinions to yourself

Thanks natalie :")
I love the word nitpicking P.S.
Liked by: sarah VanVan kenme

What did you do today?

Woke up, brushed my teeth washed my face changed blablabla, went to school, attended the activities fair, gave Ms jones a long hug because she was sad I was leaving scouts, made pancakes with charles, andre, ms jones, James, ravindu and some grade 7s, went home, took a shower, bathed my dog, and I am now doing homework. Going out soon .
Liked by: sarah VanVan kenme xy

Hi cutie. Just wanted to know, how did you know of Kenme / became friends with her? No hate haha I don't hate her.

Hahhhhaaha we became friends because I think kenme found theo's insta because of his YouTube videos and well if you find his insta you find my insta so yup. She started following me and I was like "hey this girl seems cool" so yeah haha
Liked by: VanVan sarah

Anon make up your mind .obese or anorexic. but dearest ally is none of the above so * slam dunk your opinion into the trash * love ya bæ

Aw lexi :')
Love you too <3
Liked by: VanVan sarah xy

how did you become close to andre? (close as in good friends)

Um I'm assuming you're asking this because you want to become close to him too??
We used to live like right next to each other so we took the bus home together haha but he moved so (andre u suck) so yeah and i dk just became close to him in school and other stuff so yeah. And he likes basketball so yay
Liked by: VanVan sarah


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