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I would've said hi but you're so pretty and I'm not and idk you would have found me creepy :(((

aw!!! haha i don't find anyone creepy unless you actually are :3
Liked by: sarah

why the fuck are you carrying branded bags at this age

uhhhhhhh, someone's a little jealous? I'll carry what I want to carry, fuck off :))
I've already clarified this, I don't fucking care about the brand. if it's a nice bag and I like it, I'll use it. SHOO.
Liked by: sarah

were you walking along orchard alone just now? I think I saw you, and if that was you ahhomg you're so glam :p

OMFG YES I WAS HAHA my friends ditched me :((
haha thank you (: you should've said hi!
Liked by: sarah

description: ally the cool are so awsome! your really sweet and smart. I love your instagram, and I am jelly of it. I am so happy I came to sit with you guys, I would love to get to know you better!! and hang out more. ♡

HEYYY Lauren (:
Aw thank yew so much hehe, see you tomorrow! xx
yez im cool
Liked by: sarah

why your anons so sweet to you

some of them are really sweet, and some of them just annoy the fuck out of me
Liked by: sarah

describe your dream guy please? like seriously describe him, don't put like celebrities names and stuff :D Haha well okay, I'll try x) Has nice hair Smells nice Has decent breath (imagine kissing someone with bad breath) Sparkly eyes (: Funny, can make me laugh Can cook/bake Plays the guitar/ukelele

did you just stalk me
Liked by: sarah

description: ally you are my wife and my eggplant for life haha and im so glad we got closer this year [yayyy] and i love you a lot and your really pretty and and and and um i love you :33333

i love you mostest (:
Liked by: sarah IZZY

ally:))) hey allykins I'm calling everybody that now okay, we're sitting tgt in math class and it's rly nice to be sitting next to you when ppl text me in class and you just type in some random stuff. I got caught by laoshi once :/ you're so nice and humble and quiet hope to get to know you better:)

*chinese ahemhem
hahaha thanks angelica
:) x
Liked by: sarah


Language: English