

Ask @raihanisthename

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tbh i was just wondering are you raihan that used to be my friend from ugama kb? :p hehehe if yes, i miss you! x

hmm.. well.. from ugama kb? Well aku skh ugma di SOAS, kb plng dulu haha.. so.. hmm..? HAHA

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likes,ask a question 1.what is your favorite color? 2.describe the celebrity whom inspires you 3.what kind of things that annoys you 4.favorite sport?

1) Red :)
2) Malas kan describe.. just gtau sapa sja la.. Adam Levine :B
3) People yng lanji.. perasan femes.. and yng poklen berkeliaran sana sini HAHA.. and ppl that steals my food n drinks.. --'
4) Fav sport.. hmm.. gotta pick Football on dat.. #YNWA

thoughts on me bruh :D

YOOO BIBI! :p HAHAH lamaaa dh na bertext neh :p pikir lupaaaa kawan dh :'( HAHAH well first things first.. We've beeen friends.. like from last yr? dri askfm lagi tuu HAHAH :p alum pernah jumpa dpn2 mua :p ea ane skh pjn.. ea ane.. suka suka bnr dgn boy nyaa~ Peminaaat big bang/GD.. sama sja tia HAHAH lol.. Bibi ane suka berskype sja.. Bibi ane alim.. idk alim nya ne yng lurus or not :pp HAHAH gaaamerrr girl ne ya.. kaya ne ya dgn laptop alienware nya ne HAHA :p well.. atu sha la for tday hehe :B so.. bye bye bibi ~
Liked by: Nëesa Syazni ✨ 19

FI: hello :) idrky. too bad. :/ "oh this is rai. okay o.o" hahaha sorry :B -MA

Hellooo :3 hahah.. sokaayyy tu :) too bad indeed lols..
Liked by: meera

describe haziqamin

Haziq amin manaa satu neh? yng pindik2 atu ka? HAHAH :p well.. ea ani.. pindik.. lol lajuu ne lau belusir~ ketara la cuz ea pemain bula atu.. urng yng suka main piring neh (frisbee).. :p Well.. atu sjaa yng ku tau rn HAHA bah2 atu sha.. bye ~~~

hello, tbh idk you. idk you like srsly. naahh jk. tbh, you're okay. goodlooking tho. and friendly. nama mu nick, and aku yang bagi. oh well, qeelah kaliaaah~ hahaha umm.. idk what to say anymore, so.. yea and goodluck foe your oh le vel :B

Hellu.. :) idk you either.. idk u at all ._. HAHAH JK well.. okay? :0 what do u mean by dat :p HAHAH thnks for de nameee :p and aku bgii kan ko nama fiyaah :) hehehe.. well.. anyways~ THAANKS FIYAAH :3

ST: orang famous masa ni HAHA wuishh maju majuu rai :b Orang yang terlampau pandai :B idk how da hell kau blajar sampai terlampau pandai ni HAHA! sometimes friendly, sometimes meaaan -_- HAHA but its okay! Goodluck with your olevel rai! :D lapas olvl kau planning kn ambil mana? :o

HAAII MAII :3 hahah lol famous apa eh? lol :P hahah.. pndai2 catu sja~ bnyk2 kan minum cola n pokka ice lemon tea wa tu.. ;) hehe.. mnadaaa meaaann :p HAHAH thaanks~ gudluckk to u too kay bro~ well abis o lvl.. hmm.. LCB or ambil 6th form ntah d mna HAHAHAH.. :B

Hello, 3 questions : 1)What is your name? 2)What school do you attend? 3) When is your birthday?

Heyoo :)
1) Md Raihan bin Harun
2) St. James school, kb
3) 27tth Januaary 98..
Liked by: abe.


Language: English