

Ask @raihanisthename

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Are you like famous or something? Bcoz the anons might be a girl, i suppose. and they seems like, in love with you. You are like the hottest geek in school or what.

HAHAHAHA.. yea they might be girls but.. nehh.. thats a lie.. only one girl loves me :) Honestly speakin.. I wud never admit that, Im the hottest geek in school LAWL.. :'D

Thoughts on >

Not sure if I hav enough to say this.. Hmm.. A classmate Ive known for like 6 years.. Never really pay much attention to her.. Shes a bit.. wild HAHAH.. jk.. hmm.. I dont have any thoughts on her (Im out of thoughts on her to be exact)

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thoughts on me!

Well.. I dont know you THAT much but dont blame me if Im wrong on words~ Firstly.. Your a great social friend.. that usually are happy-go-lucky.. Ur short in height :) Smart girl! Your Azri's And.. you eventually get jelly cuz I always text your friend (who is aka The Stalker)

How did you propose your girlfriend?

Not that special.. I just wrote her a song (more like a love poem) to her.. and she was touched by it.. then I just proposed to her unexpectedly by text :)

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