

Ask @raihanisthename

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43.. 47..

No.. Im not good at smiling.. at also not good with strangers :P
Well.. the meanest thing.. erm.. its hard to narrow it down cuz thers a lot that hav been said to me -.- but I'll go with "FUCKFACE"
Liked by: Azwar Ehsan

4? :3

Well.. If youre a hot looking girl.. YEAH haha jk.. well its up to my opinion if Im easy to b with or not :3 But by text.. its easier to get along wit me.. ;)
Liked by: Azwar Ehsan

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describe yourself

Thats an insecure question -.- HAHAH but okay :3
Im 15, male OBV.. Tall.. dunno whats my height tho :P Sorta smart? maybe.. Nerdish lookin HAHAH! Ugly as f*** HAHA maybe.. But Im taken by My Mizah! :* Im lazy sort of :B Im not much of a sports man.. tho I like playing soccer, badminton n basketball sometimes hehe.. No six packs *SHOCKING* but no.. Im urgh.. A listener.. than a speaker/talker/loudmouth~ Profanity is sometime used in me ;) Im goood n kind in text only.. in person.. Just watch out.. HAHAH ndalaaah.. :) Kay thats all.. bye anon :P

My best friend's big brother. You seem like an interesting person tbh, hope we see each other soon :) x

Hye again.. I seem interesting ow? :) in what way is that HAHAH.. Hope we meeet again :3

What is the least stressful job you can think of?

SLEEPING.. cuz SLEEPING is considered as WORK and.. WORK is the same meaning of JOB so.. :B
Liked by: Tiqahh

did you really know who i am? hahaha.

well i dont really know you that well.. but I guess youre younger than me.. U go to PJN rite? and idek ur name hahah.. whats ur name btw?
Liked by: Tiqahh نور

uh oh i see! haha but atleast you tried right haha. so how old are you? you seems older than me ._. I guess?

hahaha.. yea.. I tried lawl.. Well Im 15 :) And I guess your younger than me? :3
Liked by: annatasha Tiqahh نور

can you cook? eggs and indomee are exception. Haha just wondering bcs some guys dont really into 'cooking'.

Well.. Im that kind of guy.. but I find it really interesting step by step.. I can fry CHICKEN hahah.. so I can cool fried chicken :) and.. I can grill some meat n CHICKEN also hahaha.. idk if this answred ur question :P

can u suggest me any new movies bcs im a bit outdated haha

Oh hahah.. well hmm.. how bout you watch 'The Conjuring' well lama plng dah tu.. tpi bnyk urng suka ah.. 'KL gangster' lah hahahah.. I think atu sha movie yng ku tau lah atm.. but upcoming movies like 'Thor: The Dark world' and 'Insidious 2' Aku pun lama dah nda liat movie hahah :)
Liked by: Tiqahh نور 19


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