

Ask @raihanisthename

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heyyy raihan. :p oh! you're very kind & 8/10 for you niggah ;)

heyyooo qeeloh^^ :) Very kind heyy hahahah thaaaaanks broo huhu :p

siok kah pakai samsung galaxy grand? can you screencap its features? :)

siuuk catu jua la :) its features like wat? as in? :0

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My senior in st james :D we dont really talk but you're friendly :) and your relationship with your girlfriend is cute c:

Hai :3 Aww :) thaaanks hehee^^

15, 18, 28

Malay (full bruneian) :B
Nope.. never cheated.
Ermm trust the most well.. at the moment.. its my Mizah.. cuz.. its really hard to trust ppl and hard being trusted by ppl also :)
Liked by: Sean Chong

9, 11, 14

First kiss on the lips not yet :p rah cheeks dah ;)
Erm.. it wouldnt be a secret a anymore if I tell u HAHA so no :p
Dont have any ex :p

16 :b

Hahah :p so insecure of a question
well one thing is to change my habit of always fixing my hair :p
and the scnd thing is to change pickyness of food cuz I always want to try somethin new but.. me so picky waa :p
and lastly.. need to change my way of talkinh to ppl like.. I need to stop making rude & honest comments on ppl HAHAHAHAH :B

Ikr..First day of school is daaaaammnn out of it..Alang2 baaaaahh..Cubath ari Isnin.Aaaaand yeah,Whn I come to see u again..I hope u still hav tht man inside u.Haha><Joking..Tunggu saja,maybe ada new comer bah ;-).Get ready Olvl,Im so stress out kana bagi time table tadi~Like..PANUH¡¡¡¡But okaylh.

Azwar Ehsan
YEA -.- HAHAHAHAHA IT WAS FUCKIN BORING BRO^^ HWAHWAHWA T.T LOL well ada eh a man in me ;) Its hard 4 me to see if u really have a man in ya :p HAHAHAH jk bro.. well stress tu andng.. ampir stiap hari xtra sja.. like T.T but nasib ku na tution... :) gudluck bro 4 ur olvls hahaha.. You'll need that luck HAHAHAH :p
Liked by: Azwar Ehsan

First day of school rai, sorang lelaki right dlm class? goodluck HAHAHA xD

yea :'( hahahaha well i'll need it thanks T.T lawl.. how was ur 1st day niqss? :)
Liked by: Azwar Ehsan

How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?

Sleeeping and reading City of Bones.. waiting to kill tyme till 12 then.. abis limpaaas msa.. TIDUUUUUR^^
Liked by: Azwar Ehsan


Schooool.. SUCKED! like FUCK! just what the FUCK? that was a freaking boring day :( cuz I was in emo mode lonely as ever.. since my class is separated n Im the only guy there like FUCK! why the FUCK did the school decide dat.. -.-
Liked by: Azwar Ehsan


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