

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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This isn’t a question but Be nice to everyone because you never know what a person going through and if you treat someone badly there karma for it 💯

While I agree if somebody is in an emotional fragile state their friends in the people close to them should do their best to help them and above all else keep them off of social media. I've seen some of the most vitriolic hateful in downright just degrading things in my life through comment threads things that people would never have the courage the audacity or the "fortitude" to otherwise say.

Do you do laundry?

I'm the only one that does my laundry and it doesn't fuck up. For some reason every time someone else tries to do it it goes horribly wrong and I don't understand because everything has instructions on them the clothes have instructions on them the washing machines have instructions right in front of you it's not that complicated yet somehow. I do my own laundry I cook the only thing I don't do is clean cuz I fucking hate cleaning more often than not if you would just clean up a little around yourself at the time you wouldn't have the giant mess it is my Saturday now doing something I don't want to do

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Do you think it’s okay to watch someone’s online activity without their knowledge?

This is tricky cuz the problem is there's not many people that are going to do that that don't have some weird agenda or some cruel evil intention. I don't care someone monitors what I do online I'm going to shit whatever if you're that bored go ahead but I've got female friends that I would feel a little less comfortable about that like I've got a little sister I would be very very unhappy about somebody doing that to her it just it's such a weird thing to want to do and I get it you know people are just generally interested in other people I understand just never never is a good story behind someone doing that it's never like some dude watch this person in there gave him a scholarship like it's never that it's always some weird creepy thing that goes horribly wrong and nobody needs that in their life.

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Are you the type to seek revenge?

It's real simple. You don't bother me I won't bother you. You voice your opinion about your disapproval of something I do and we might have some words back and forth I might do something to show you that you know how I look what I can do won't really be that big of a deal just go about your business mind your own all that. If you go after or try to cause harm to what I love and the people I care about you better have an army where you better make sure you kill me with the first shot otherwise I'm not going to stop until you have nothing left.

You are the best, we are sure

The way you phrased that makes me think that you're either part of a cult or an alien race that's observing us.

Have you ever been so lonely that you stayed in a place you knew you were not welcome?

When I'm in a place I'm not welcome I eventually just say fuck it. It's not ever really a good thing because then I'm no longer thinking I'm just reacting. I've tried over the past few years to isolate myself away from people if I feel anything's going to go that direction. It tends to have a more positive outcome for everyone.

Can I have your school photo?

Sure if you can find them from the person that stole my photo albums of every picture I had from the time I was a child until the time I was a senior in high school.

Today's my birthday. I'm blessed but can't help it to feel sad too. Anyone else get emotional on their birthday?

Yes. it sucks when there are people that aren't here anymore and you wish they were and kind of takes away from what used to be a joyful or fun thing. I try my best to just not let it affect my actions to others it's not anyone else's fault there's no reason for me to act like everybody in the world did something wrong. I used to work holidays a lot because nobody ever wanted the shifts and it gave me a chance to do something other than just sit at home.

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Are you a stingy person?

No I'm not. I'll give anybody anything that I have if it is something that they need. The problem I find is people aren't genuine or honest about it they try to be clever they try to be tricky they try to be deceitful and that pisses me off because because if they would have just asked and been honest I would have helped them. Now it's a matter of pride or a "measuring" contest and I hate losing.

Are you manipulative?

I don't know what do you think? I mean why would anybody take the time to set up a scenario or situation or chain of events where some people might benefit some people might not some people might gain something they really want some people might lose everything. I mean there's no one in the world that bored is there? I personally love telling people what's going to happen and then watching them panic struggle and try to stop something that's already in motion. That brings me the most joy. The only problem is when you're good at that that also comes at a price and a lot of people don't want to pay it those of us that do mostly regret it.

Do you like Taylor Swift ?

When she first came out I lived with two girls and the group consisted of six of us two guys and four girls all in our early to mid-20s. I was smart and didn't pick a fight over Taylor Swift I would just say she rocks and they'll make the girls happy. Anything's better than Jersey fucking shores

What would you say if you were asked out anonymously? 😎

To kill sheer boredom I would agree to a very public meeting in a very public place at a very public time where there are plenty of witnesses accounts and to make sure that I don't get snatched up and then the back of a car somewhere. If it were a public meeting where people could ensure their safety or that no harm could befall them why the hell not? Make for an interesting story.

They say you're cocky, is that right?

It's not that I'm cocky or arrogant I'm just not stupid I don't do the same things thinking hey this will get a different result. Do you have any idea how boring and annoying it is to be right all the time. To have to watch people do dumb shit just despite you hoping it turns out when it's not going to. It almost takes out the fun of saying I told you so. And I can't be right all the time. Maybe one day that statement will be true.

Do you remember your first crush?

I remember my first like actual person I knew crush it was a teacher. And then when we were in high school she read a letter to Santa that I had written when I was in second grade to the rest of the class. It back fired I wasn't embarrassed.

Would you date with someone with a bad reputation ?

Reputations are mainly constructed by people who have an agenda or who have no ability to think outside of their own idea of the way things should be. If their reputation is a murderer probably not. If their reputation is one that's difficult to be around I would probably look at the people saying it and say well I can get that I don't want to be around you people either.

So sick of people.

Well unfortunately they're kind of a necessary component of life. Don't get me wrong I love my alone time get shit done not be annoyed but there's also a lot of things that I cannot do on my own unfortunately that means people.

Why does the truth hurt?

Because most of the time it's something negative or something that you don't want to admit. people like to build this little bubble around themselves and they love to tend to think of themselves a certain way and most the time it's not the way the rest of the world does.

Do you care about others secrets ?

Yes. It helps build friendships and also is leverage you can use in difficult situations or blackmail depending on how you want to go with that.

Do you like answering questions?

It depends on the question and depends on who's asking it. In this form absolutely because I don't have to deal with backup question secondary questions I don't have an annoying person in my ear the entire time arguing about what my answer was. Irl no I fucking hate it it's like drinking poison. Mostly because they're fucking stupid questions.

Do you use the whisper app?

I do. If it's like 3:00 in the morning and I need some crazy stuff to look at or something to laugh at whispers my go-to. Some of the things people put on there is just beyond insanity.


Language: English